Sunday, October 10, 2010

Art - Lapham’s Quarterly

Art - Lapham’s Quarterly

Why You Are Alive and Can Never Die

This is a great article on the concept of time, our presence in the world, our beliefs in the aging process and why we believe that we are mortals. We can always be alive, if we believe that we can never age and die, or something like that! Ha! ha!

Why You Are Alive and Can Never Die

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Book Marketing Network

I joined the Book Marketing Network today. This site has a lot of very useful resources and materials for new and published authors in the field of book marketing. I am looking forward to being a part of this dynamic and powerful social community network.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Home Cooking and Family Values Book Fund by Warren Brown - GoFundMe

Support Home Cooking and Family Values Book Fund

I have written and published a book with the title, "Home Cooking and Family Values", which I would like to purchase and distribute for free to encourage family values in society today. I will be able to purchase about 500 copies for free distribution. The details of the book can be read below and at the web-link given:

A well used kitchen makes a happy home. A woman’s pride was her kitchen. The kitchen used to be the exclusive domain of the housewife a hundred years ago. The situation has changed all around the world today, with more and more women joining the work force and having the dual roles of taking care of the home and attending to career responsibilities. The kitchen is now utilized by the wife, the mother, the husband, the father and the children who are adventurous enough to try their hand at preparing meals. A home is complete when food is regularly prepared in the family kitchen. Cooking a meal for a family is the best feeling for a mother who loves her family.

I do hope that you will encourage, support and contribute towards this Fund Project of mine. Thank you for taking the time to read this Fund Appeal. All the very best to you, your family and that special bond of love and togetherness which most familes enjoy today.
Thank you!
Warm Regards

Warren Brown

Home Cooking and Family Values Book Fund by Warren Brown - GoFundMe

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Great Movies

I have recently set up a new blog called "Great Movies Listings". I intend to list movies of all genres and the reasons I have chosen them for the blog. I will review these movies and draw out thier strengths and weaknesses as well as the inspiration I have drawn from them. I do hope that this blog on movies will have you to appreciate the Magic of Cinema.

            Visit the Great Movies Listing Blog

Marching Souls

 Does the march ever end?