Saturday, September 07, 2013

Princess Diana Remembered

A new tribute to the Diana, Princess of Wales has gone on display in Vienna. The white marble bust of the former royal boasts a dedication to the "Queen of hearts", and was created by the sculptor Wolfgang Karnutsch.

Courtesy: MSN News

Diana movie shows poignant last moment of princes with their mother. Naomi Watts portrays Diana in the movie.

Courtesy: Express

Winter is Cornwall

It may have been the hottest summer in the UK for seven years but parts of Cornwall resembled a winter wonderland yesterday following a freak hail storm.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ask and It is Given

The book, "Ask and It is Given" was on my Amazon Wish List for two weeks. Today, I passed by a Book shop having a Summer Sale and got the book for a fraction of the cost. The Law of Attraction works and I receive proof of its power almost every day of my life.

Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction- Learning to Manifest Your Desires

The Importance of the Amazon Author Profile Page

If your books have been published and are available on Amazon, it is a good idea to create your very own Author Profile.
On your Author Profile page your books will be displayed.
A few of the noteworthy elements of the Amazon Author Profile Page are given below:
1. List of all books written by the author
2. Videos by the Author, either about the books written or about the unique thoughts of the Author.
3. The Author's Twitter feed with information related to the Author social twitterings.
4. The very important Author Profile with a description about the background and philosophical thoughts, with fun and interesting facts about the author and his or her writings.

Marching Souls

 Does the march ever end?