Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Re-Claim Your Life

It is taken away from us once we become adults. As teenagers and youth we have so much of it, yet as we grow into adults we have it taken away from us. There are so many claims in the world today from PPI Claims, reclaim Tax to Insurance claims. The time has now arrived for you to Re-Claim your Life and your Freedom. Read more.....

Sunday, October 12, 2014

House of Cards

Kevin Spacey delivers some of the best monologues in this great series, House of Cards", with the Robin Wright portraying his loyal wife. Watch the video below with a collection of superb lines delivered by Kevin spacey in "House of Cards". This series is based on the BBC series of the same name.
I am looking forward to watching the second series now released on DVD.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

A Dollar A Click

There is a site which pays a dollar for a click. There are a number of ways to earn a dollar for clicking a link:
1.Watch Videos
2. View Adverts
3. Spin a lucky wheel
4. Cashback Shopping
5. Earn Money through referrals

Paid to click

Make money online

Get paid to


Sunday, October 05, 2014

Never Feel Defeated In Life

We often feel like failures in life when we struggle to achieve something but we fail. We may even feel that at times the odds are stacked against us. But, then we remember the familiar saying that, “failures are the stepping stones to success”. Read more...

The Next Big Break

Are you the type of person who waits for things to happen or who makes things happen? If you have big visions of what you would like to do in the future, of where you would like to go or of what you would like to do, then it is time for you to plan your future. Read more....

Let's Get This Show On The Road

Preparation makes a big difference for any event in life, whether it is a fashion show, an exhibition, an interview or even a business sales presentation. It takes a lot of planning, research and preparation before anyone can get a job done. A few of the aspects for any event would be the finance necessary for an event, the budget, the team and the assets, followed by the venue, the publicity, advertising, sponsorships, the participants being just a few examples. The main feature is that in the case of most events, it is a team effort and a matter of collaboration between departments and people to make any event a success. Read more...

When Dreams Come True

You have been waiting for your dreams to come true for so many years, but you have met with disappointment. Now, suddenly like a “bolt–out-of-the-blue” you have got a new job, new home, met your soul-mate, have a family and you are where you want to be. What do you do next? Read more...