Sunday, March 08, 2009

Positive World Newsletter- 8 March 2009-Mothering Sunday-UK

March 8, 2009 VOLUME 2: Number 5

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Today is a Special day, today is Mothering Sunday here in the United Kingdom. The rest of the world celebrates Mother's day in the month of May. I will not be celebrating Mother's Day this year, as Mum passed away last year in August. Mothers are irreplaceable and they usually are the pivot of the family. A Mother is proud of all our achievements in life. A Mother is always there in good times and in bad times, to guide and comfort us. A Mother believes that her children were born to achieve great things in life. A good Mother loves her children and is willing to make all sacrifices for them. My Mother was a fantastic person and she was the shining light in our family. We all miss her very much, but know in our hearts that she loves us and will guide us in all that we do in life. My Mum loved her family very much, from her husband, to her two children, their spouses and her three lovely grand-children in Holland.
If you are blessed with a good and loving Mother, this is the best time to show her you care. It is these moments, which will be your special memories for the future when you have to carry on in life without your Mother to guide you with her love, comfort and advice.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day with that special lady in your life.
Warren Brown

You are welcome to visit my Mother's blog and to leave a Mother's Day message.

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Mother's Are Special Because....
1. They loves us unconditionally
2. They care for us, comfort us and protect us.
3. They only see the good in us.
4. They want us to be good people when we grow up.
5. They are proud of their families.
6. They cook for us and tuck us into bed when we are small children.
7. They still care and love us as Adults.
8. They have blind faith in their children.
9. They Believe that their children will do great things in life.
10. They help to and encourage us to be the best that we can ever be in life.

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The Positive Living Newsletter was created by Warren Brown Literary Enterprises Limited.Manchester.United Kingdom. 2009. Please Forward this newsletter to help everyone in our World to live a more positive life today.

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