Friday, September 25, 2009

London's Tube, The Faithful Piccadilly Line

62. THE PICCADILLY LINE by Warren Brown

Mind the Gap
Watch the line
Here comes the Train
On the Piccadilly Line.

Down the line to work
In the rush hour morning,
With all the doors shutting behind,
All the crowds rushing in
As the crowds tumble out
Onto the platforms
And into the trains.

Mind the Gap
Watch the Line
Here comes the Train
On the Piccadilly Line.

Through the icy cold and snow,
Through the seasons
Of wind and snow,
You see the faithful trains
Go fast and go sound
Into the London Underground.

Through the summer and the shine
Through all the stations
From Heathrow to Acton
From Hammersmith to Piccadilly
You see the faithful trains
Go fast and go sound
Into the London Underground.

But, then when the strikes begin,
There are no trains,
There are no people
To use the lines,
They clamber onto the Overland Trains
And experience all their travel pains.
The buses are packed with anxious souls
There is no more space, to match their goals.
But, they still struggle to get to work
There is no profit, there is no gain
All they experience is travel pain.
Mind the Gap
Watch the Line
Here comes the Train
On the Piccadilly Line.

From the book, "A Romantic Time for Rhyme and Success Poetry"

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