Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Power of Stories and the Storyteller

Stories are being told and Stories are being written every day.

Whenever there is a Story unfolding in life,

The Storyteller is present.

When there is a story being told

The Storyteller is present.

The gift of story is being unwrapped,

Every day, every minute and in every second in time.

Stories are timeless, evolving and free,

Stories are limitless in the fabric of eternity,

With the influence they have on the mind of man and woman,

With the power they imbue and inspire us to achieve all we can.

A story is a unique gift we can pass on to one another.

A father tells his children a story,

A mother listens to the stories of her children,

A brother tells his sister a story,

A sister tells her friends a story,

A boss tells his employees a story,

An employee tells a story to her family.

The growth and transformation of a story never ends.

The story changes the Storyteller and the listeners,

As it sails on the flowing rivers of life,

Collecting diamonds and gems of story to share.

Have you said a Story today?

Have you listened to a Story today?

Stories come in all tones, colours and words,

These stories are the invisible canvasses we paint,

With our thoughts, wisdoms and experiences in life.

Have you found the Storyteller within yourself?

Have you unravelled the stories within your life experiences?

Discover the power of stories today,

Uncover the power of stories within your mind and soul,

Reveal the Storyteller with you today

And make your life more fulfilled and whole.

We are all Storytellers, living our stories,

Finding stories in all that we feel, hear and see,

Our Lives reveal the Story of our humanity.

Storyteller Series on Amazon

- See more at: https://scriggler.com/DetailPost/Poetry/39239#sthash.mzlZ0IXn.dpuf

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