Friday, December 24, 2021

Today is Christmas Eve, Christmas is a few hours away

The homes are decorated,

The Christmas trees are lit,

Even the family pet has a place to sit.

The gifts are brightly packed,

The lights are sparkling and bright,

Growing in luminosity in the night.

If you are dancing on a table or on the ceiling,

We all remember the Christmas Eve feeling.

A couple of hours and it will come,

The best day of the year for mankind.

Christmas day is just a day away,

Start the festivities from today.

Who can ever forget that feeling,

Just waiting for Christmas day.

The magic of that special feeling,

Never does it go away.

If you are dancing on a table or on the ceiling,

We all remember the Christmas Eve feeling.

Regardless of the age and the time,

There is something special on Christmas Eve,

As you hear the Church bells chime.

We know that Santa is delivering gifts,

As children sleep with their eyes half-open,

Through Christmas Eve night.

The magic of Christmas fills the world,

As we wait for the birth of Jesus,

The light and savior of a lost world.

Christmas Eve is so special today,

As we wait in expectation for Christmas Day.

If you are dancing on a table or on the ceiling,

We all remember the Christmas Eve feeling,

When the world comes alive and is healing.

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