Showing posts with label authors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label authors. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

London Book Fair 2019

The awesome London Book Fair is coming and is just a few weeks away.

It will be held from the 12-14 March at Olympia, London.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Author Warren Brown on Library Thing

I have just joined Library Thing which is a fascinating website I have discovered. I have created my profile and added a number of my books.
It will be a great new site for new readers to discover my works of fiction.
You are welcome to join Library Thing and step into a world of exciting reading experiences.

Visit my page on Library Thing

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

New York Rights Fair 2018

An Event to look forward to, "The New York Rights Fair 2018"

The Program of "The New York Rights Fair 2018"

"The New York Rights Fair 2018 Blog"

Countdown to the New York Rights Fair- May 30, 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018

Father and Son Video

A short film, "Father & Son" on Melvyn Brown and Warren Brown.

Dad Comments on the Video: Father and Son

"Unlike the rest of the tens of millions of people who search for a dream, Warren Brown has his in significant themes and super-creative plots largely seen in his outstanding works of fiction; he also excels when pitched into the reality world of non-fiction. Warren’s artistic form in writing is incredible – he will soon be on the book hit-list. Brown’s video clip ‘Father and Son’ is a welcome tribute to his mentor. Warren Brown has ‘Pulitzer-finesse’. Well done, son."

Melvyn Brown. 15 January 2018. Calcutta. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Alliance of Independent Authors

Today, I joined the Alliance of Independent Authors.
I had planned to join the Alliance for sometime and I am glad that I joined today.

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member Support Independent Bookstores - Visit

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Authors- Get Your books Into Libraries

As authors we would all like our books to be read in libraries around the world.
This site Library Bub offers authors the opportunity to have our books promoted to Libraries.

Feature Your Book with LibraryBub

Apply for a featured deal in LibraryBub's targeted weekly email that reaches 10,000 librarians every month.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Authors and Productivity

Sometimes it feels that there is not enough time in the day to do and write as much as you would like to. Every author faces this predicament at sometime, when they need to write more and stop procrastinating. Read this great article on how every author could increase their productivity.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Book Marketing Network

I joined the Book Marketing Network today. This site has a lot of very useful resources and materials for new and published authors in the field of book marketing. I am looking forward to being a part of this dynamic and powerful social community network.


Welcome to Writers Empire dot com