Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2013

Free Kindle Ebook- 23, 24 April 2013

Free Kindle EBook

Two Day Kindle Book Promotion- 23, 24 April 2013
UK Edition
US Edition
There have been so many accidents involving cyclists and vehicles in the city of London and in busy cities across the world over the past few years. There have been so many who have lost their lives tragically while travelling to work and school in our cities.
This short story and two poems are a tribute to all those cyclists who have lost their lives on these busy city streets.
Two Day Kindle Book Promotion- 23, 24 April 2013

Saturday, May 19, 2012

John Anderson R.I.P.

Our good friend John Anderson passed away yesterday, the 18th of May in London. May his soul Rest in Peace. We keep John's daughter, family and friends in our prayers. John Anderson was a simple and remarkable man who changed the lives of so many people. John "of London Town" has passed away, but he will Live on in the minds and hearts of all the people who knew him. We will all miss you John R.I.P.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

In Memory of a Special Mum on Mother's Day

Thinking of you, dearest Mum

in such a special way

but these are all that I can give

to you on Mother's Day.

A bouquet of lovely memories

sprayed with a million tears

with wishes that you could have stayed

for just a few more years.

And a kiss blown straight to heaven

with love to you from me

in memory of the bond we'll share

for all eternity.

For although it hurt to lose you

and I'll always feel the pain

I know you're just a thought away

till the day we meet again.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Mum's First Death Anniversary

My Mum, Joan Brown passed away one year ago on the 10th of August 2008. We miss her very much and there will always be an empty space in our lives.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Darling Mother Passed Away!

Dear Friends,
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to inform you all that I have lost my dearest Mother. Please pray for the repose of her kind and loving soul. My Mum Joan who passed away on the 10th of August, my birthday month, was, is and will always dwell within my heart. I am happy to know that she has found peace and happiness with her Creator. I pray that her Soul rests in Peace. I last saw Mum three years ago and I have not seen her since that time since I left India for the UK. Mum was a great believer in the Power of Prayer. Mum had a lovely funeral with all her friends, relatives and family attending. I was privileged enough to carry her on my shoulders on her journey to Everlasting life. Mum was a great cook and I am really blessed to have inherited an ounce of her talent. I love you Mum. Keep my Mum in your prayers, as well as all those who have gone to their rest.
Thank you so much

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