Showing posts with label hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobby. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Lockdown Podcasting

 There was a lot of time to think of doing creative projects. One of the most popular projects that a number of individuals started were podcasts. I also decided to test the waters of podcasting.

Friday, January 02, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

It is the beginning of a New Year 2015 and we all wait expectantly to watch the year unfold. This is the best time to start working towards fulfilling your dreams and the best way to begin is by doing just something small every day and continuing for the rest of the year.

Here is a short list of a few things you can start today and then continue throughout the year.
1. Write a poem or a short story a day. You could write a page of a novel a day.
2. Create a piece of art like a sketch a day
3. Write a lyric or a song a day
4. Learn a new hobby starting today.
5. Learn to speak a foreign language.
6. Help someone today and become a volunteer.
7. Become a Mentor or a Life Coach and share your wisdom and talents.
8. Try to be a better person by doing something positive in the world.
9. Start a club or group for something you are interested in doing.
10. Learn to enjoy life and to help others on their way through life.
11. Challenge yourself to think outside-the-box and to believe in your own abilities and the power of one person to make a positive difference in the world today.

Have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2015

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Book Preview "Reasons to Live"

This is a collection of some of the best Reasons to Live or some of the ways to discover your life purpose. The reasons to live extend from taking care of your family to taking a trip into outer space and sitting with your loved one in a Gondola in Venice.

There are a number of chapters on a variety of topics, which can guide you into finding something which is suitable for you. We all have a number of abilities, talents, likes and dislikes. This guide book does not provide you with all the answers, but it does help you to begin your quest in finding your life purpose.

This book was created for the sole reason to help and encourage everyone, who is confused in life and does not know his or her life purpose.

If you happen to discover one reason to make your life more worthwhile and meaningful, then I have succeeded, in assisting you to discover the meaning, purpose and the magnificence of your life and destiny.

Book Preview "Reasons to Live"

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Bucket List

I always wanted to publish books on my Internet work, on cooking and on internet marketing. I have successfully completed this item on my bucket list, this year. I have completed ten books, which are now featured on Amazon.

The second item on my list is to complete a fiction novel. I am presently working on this project and hope to complete it this year.

The third item on my list is to bring about positive changes in the world, either with a global project or a concept which will help people to all make a difference. This is a lifetime project, I feel.

The Bucket List Keeps on Growing

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Lost Art of Stamp Collecting

Philately is a great hobby and it is worth lookinh into if you have a little time to spare on your hands.Everyone needs a hobby to balance their lives with your regular work pressures and household chores. Start a hobby today.

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