Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Web Explorer Since 1993

The web was created and developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. However, it was released to the public as the Internet on 30th April 1993. I got into exploring the web in October 1993.It will be almost 22 years this October, since I first started writing, blogging and publishing on the web.

The Birth of the web

Here is a link to the first website, which I created for my Father, Melvyn Brown on Maxpages. The website has closed down now for a few years. I tracked the site using Web Archive.

Melvyn Brown's Anglo-Indian Website

Web Archive is a useful resource to find old and now non-existent websites.

Monday, March 16, 2015

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Power List Marketing is easily worth $297. Today, it's yours free, just as my way of saying thanks!

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Internet of Things

The world is getting more and more connected. In the future everyone and everything will be connected to the internet. The "Internet of Things" is an exciting and new field which we should all get to know more about. In another ten years, we will be living our lives more attached to the internet, in fact we will be living versions of the internet, I think? Read more about this fascinating new field, called "The Internet of Things"....

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Expert's Guide to creating and Selling the Brand and the Expert's Guide to Cyber Security

We are all familiar with the brands advertised in the media today. Yet, many of us do not know how to create our own brand to promote our product or service.

So this book will help you to discover the essentials necessary for building and creating a profitable brand.This book will help you to understand Cybersecurity. It will be a guide for you in realizing the importance of Cybersecurity in your life.

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