Showing posts with label ninja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ninja. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Ninja Barbie- Dark City Darker Nights- A Ninja Barbie Movie. #barbiemovi...

Ninja Barbie and her team's Thrilling fight to Safeguard the City. #barb...

Ninja Barbie and Ken: Champions of Good, Vanquishers of Evil. #ninja #ba...

Defenders of Virtue: Ninja Barbie and Ken's Thrilling Fight Against Inju...

Ninja Barbie and Ken: Masters of Shadows and Heroes of Light. #ninja #ba...

Silent Guardian of the Night: Ninja Barbie's Quest for Justice #ninja #b...

Ninja Barbie & Ken Chronicles: A Tale of Heroic Feats and Stealthy Pursu...

Shadow Warriors Unite: Ninja Barbie and Ken's Epic Crime-Fighting Advent...

Ninja Barbie and Ken: Unleashing Justice in the Shadows. #barbie #barbie...

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Medium Articles in October by Warren Brown

You may say I have not made my millions yet, why do you ask me where I keep my millions!
You have millions in wealth and information and you do not know it yet.
Your life experiences and skills are a fortune which you carry aorund with you.
The wealth you have in your mind needs to be converted into a tangible form like a story, a piece of art, music or soething whic can be shared with the world.
You need to contribute your wealth of knowledge with the world and soon it will be converted to your millions for you and your loved ones to live a more satisfying existence in the world.
You are a Millionaire and it is all in that limitless Vault of Treasures in your Imagination and in your Mind.

How long has it been since your last big break?
It has been quite a while and perhaps you have even forgotten what the last big break was in your life.
Read the article on how you can start to make things happen for you and keep making breaks and finding golden opportunities a habit in your life.

It is always difficult to begin to do something new.
I am always reminded of the Proverb often quoted of Lao-Tzu, the Chinese Philosopher who wrote a lot about the philosophy Tao, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
Read the article on getting your Show onto the Road.

You can make your Dreams Come True.
Read the article on when your dreams come true.
Are you ready to make your dreams into a reality?

We all know that first impressions matter.
Here are the Keys to making a good first impression.
Start by putting on your best smile.

Yes, it is possible to be a Ninja, a Humor NInja.
Put the humor back into your life.
Read the article on how to be a Ninja- A Humor Ninja.

What is your life purpose?
Is travelling the world or selling groceries your life purpose?
Read this article on discovering your life purpose..

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Lost Art of the Ninjas and Shoguns

They were called the shadow warriors in Japan. The Ninjas were the secret assassins who dressed in black and moved like the shadows in the night. The Ninjas were a force to reckon with in medieval Japan. The art of the Ninja warrior still exists to this day.

The Shoguns were the warriors on the battlefield with their own strict training and a strong code of Honour and ethics. The Shoguns were also well known in medieval times for their loyalty to thier Masters. The legends of the Shoguns will live forever in the annals of history as the Noble Warriors.

To find out more about the Ninjas and the Shoguns with their colourful legends and myths visit the link given below:

The Lost Art of the Ninjas and Shoguns

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