Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Warren Recommends "A Grandmother's Legacy" by Jenny Mallin

Jenny Mallin's earliest memories are of her mother in the kitchen, tapping a wooden spoon against the side of the metal dekshi and then tasting her curry sauce, checking the seasoning. From that moment, Jenny was hooked...

With her passions for cooking, India, research and writing, the outcome has been a labour of love - a memoir that mingles the history of her family when they lived in India, with her grandmothers' recipes that were prudently passed down through the generations. Each recipe has been lovingly researched, leading Jenny on a road of discovery about her ancestors, with her grandmothers' legacy continuing to assist in providing clues to their rich and eventful past. A unique insight into five generations of an Anglo-Indian family; an evocative memoir that stirs the imagination of the reader by bringing to life her grandmothers, their lifestyle and their recipes. It's a story about these extraordinary ladies, who showed great foresight by sharing and passing their recipe book from one generation to the next... These were all ladies who were brought up during the reign of Queen Victoria and King George, fiercely loyal to their Queen (and King) and yet lived happily in their community in India, equally at home with making Yorkshire Pudding one day and a hot fiery Madras Curry the next. As proud custodian of a recipe book that dates back to 1844, Jenny has managed to share with us a glimpse into a fascinating period of time in Indian history.

Jenny has travelled extensively throughout India and has also visited many other countries, including Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, and America. Her travelogues and written anecdotes of her journeys are much enjoyed by her family and friends.

Now a writer, Jenny has had a successful career at the BBC in television production. She lives in Kingsclere with Stewart, her husband of over 30 years, and their two cats. Any spare time that she has is spent doing painting, home decorating, jewellery making, listening to music, photography and enjoying nature. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Culinary Heaven

For those people who love to prepare a delicious meal, it would be fair to say that they have a passion for cooking. Shopping for fresh vegetables from the marketplace, buying fresh meat from the butchers or buying a kilogram of fresh salmon from the fishmongers, are just some of the joys of cooking.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Sale Discount: Home Cooking and Family Values

25% Summer Discount
List Price: £10.96
Price: £8.22
You Save: £2.74 ( 25% )
Ships in 3–5 business days
A well used kitchen makes a happy home. A woman’s pride was her kitchen. The kitchen used to be the exclusive domain of the housewife a hundred years ago. The situation has changed all around the world today, with more and more women joining the work force and having the dual roles of taking care of the home and attending to career responsibilities. The kitchen is now utilized by the wife, the mother, the husband, the father and the children who are adventurous enough to try their hand at preparing meals. A home is complete when food is regularly prepared in the family kitchen. Cooking a meal for a family is the best feeling for a mother who loves her family.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Warren Brown: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

You are welcome to visit Warren Brown's Author Profile page on Amazon.
A few of the titles to look out for are given below:
World Recipes for a Home Catering Business
The Secret Race: Anglo-Indians
Anglo-Indian Race Preservation Course
Lady of the Sea and other Poems and many others. There are also a few books which Warren has published on Amazon Kindle. Warren Brown: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Blogging Sunday

Today is a great and bright Sunday to go out in the sunshine, to spend time with friends and family and to do a bit of blogging.
I am also looking forward to creating a few more lenses on Squidoo on my book previews. I have completed writing and publishing ten new books on a variety of topics from Snowstorm Marketing to the Anglo-Indian community, cooking world famous recipes and Life Coaching.
Publish Success Book Store

I recently joined blog this here to increase my blog traffic.
Blog This Here

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