Showing posts with label time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wheel of Time

Are you always looking at the “Wheel of Time” which you have strapped to your wrist, which governs every second and every minute of your day? There are meetings to attend, jobs to complete, time to be spent with loved ones, friends, time to spend on hobbies and other pastimes. Yes, there is actually a lot of time which we use productively and do not know it. Read more....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

World Book Night

When they meet, they sit around a wooden table draped in red cloth. Their deliberations are secret. And the choices they make may affect the lives of thousands. No, this is not the clandestine panel to select the next Archbishop of Canterbury. It is the World Book Night U.K. & Ireland Editorial Committee, which this autumn spent six weeks agonizing over their choice of 20 books that will be distributed by the thousands on April 23, 2013.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Profiles of Protesters

View some of these amazing stories of people who went out to make a difference in the world by protesting about their personal issues.,28804,2101745_2102138,00.html

TIME: Person of the Year: The Protester

Once upon a time, when major news events were chronicled strictly by professionals and printed on paper or transmitted through the air by the few for the masses, protesters were prime makers of history.

Read more:,28804,2101745_2102132_2102373,00.html #ixzz1gXdVhgRz

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