Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Darling Mother Passed Away!

Dear Friends,
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to inform you all that I have lost my dearest Mother. Please pray for the repose of her kind and loving soul. My Mum Joan who passed away on the 10th of August, my birthday month, was, is and will always dwell within my heart. I am happy to know that she has found peace and happiness with her Creator. I pray that her Soul rests in Peace. I last saw Mum three years ago and I have not seen her since that time since I left India for the UK. Mum was a great believer in the Power of Prayer. Mum had a lovely funeral with all her friends, relatives and family attending. I was privileged enough to carry her on my shoulders on her journey to Everlasting life. Mum was a great cook and I am really blessed to have inherited an ounce of her talent. I love you Mum. Keep my Mum in your prayers, as well as all those who have gone to their rest.
Thank you so much

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Solar Eclipse Poems in German

Die Eclipse of the Sun von Warren Brown

Die Sonne hat ihren Glanz verloren
Wo ist unsere Sonne verschwunden?
Der Mond ist in seiner prime
Als es hell ist erschienen.

Die Sonne wurde Eclipsed
Durch die weichen und ruhigen Mond,
Die Vorhänge der Sonne
Mit seiner Ruhe und abstimmen.

Der Mond Finsternisse der Sonne,
Nur für ein paar Momente
In unserem unendliche Geschichte der Zeit
Gefüllt mit all seiner Dauerhaftigkeit.

Supermacht der Moment von Warren Brown

Sie haben ein Sieg
Aber dein Bruder machte ein größeres,
Sie waren eclipsed von Ihrem Bruder Sonne.

Der König hatte einen Sieg,
Aber der Kaiser hatte ein größeres,
Die Armen Herrscher war eclipsed durch ein größeres.

Der Schriftsteller hatte ein Sieg,
Doch der Dichter hatte ein größeres,
Der Schriftsteller war hungrig eclipsed durch eine poetische ein.

Der Löwe und der Eclipse von Warren Brown

Die Natur braucht Sonnenschein
Die Natur braucht Regen,
Die Natur zu schützen,
Von Tod und Schmerz.

Wenn die Sonne ist Eclipsed durch den Mond,
Die Natur ist eclipsed durch die Sonne.
Die Sonne ist die Quelle des Lebens und Macht,
Selbst der König des Dschungels braucht die Sonne.

Der Löwe sieht sich in der Sonne,
Und er weiß, er ist wahrhaft gesegnet,
Da keine Solar-oder Mondfinsternis
Kann immer, die feurige Sonne zur Ruhe.

Supermacht der Liebe von Warren Brown

Kann der Klang der Stille,
Und die Musik einer gurgling Bach,
Eclipse die Liebe in dein Herz?

Kann sich der Klang eines Babys lachen,
Die Musik der Vögel,
Eclipse die Liebe in dein Herz?

Kann ein schöner Sonnenuntergang,
Mit dem hellen Sunrise,
Eclipse die Liebe in dein Herz?

Wird der Klang der Ewigkeit,
Und die Musik der Schöpfung,
Eclipse die Liebe in dein Herz?

Solar Eclipse Poems in French

L'Eclipse du Soleil par Warren Brown

Le Soleil a perdu son lustre
Lorsque notre soleil a disparu?
La Lune est à son premier
Comme elle l'a brillamment leur apparition.

Le Soleil a été éclipsé
À la douce et tranquille Lune,
Quels rideaux du Soleil
Avec sa sérénité et harmonie.

La Lune éclipse le Soleil,
Juste pour un couple des moments
Dans notre histoire sans fin des temps,
Comblé avec tous ses permanence.

Éclipsant l'occasion de Warren Brown

Vous avez fait une victoire
Mais ton frère a fait une plus grande,
Vous avez été éclipsé par votre frère Soleil.

Le Roi a une victoire,
Mais, l'empereur avait une plus grande,
Les pauvres règle a été éclipsé par une plus grande.

L'écrivain avait une victoire,
Mais le poète a une plus grande,
La faim est écrivain éclipsé par une poétique.

Le Lion et l'Eclipse de Warren Brown

Nature besoins Sunshine
Nature besoins pluie,
La nature a besoin de protection,
De la mort et la douleur.

Lorsque le Soleil est éclipsé par la Lune,
La nature est éclipsé par le Soleil.
Le Soleil est la source de vie et du pouvoir,
Même le roi de la jungle a besoin du Soleil.

Le Lion lève les yeux vers le Soleil,
Et il sait qu'il est vraiment bénie,
En l'absence solaire ou lunaire Eclipse
Ne pourra jamais mettre le soleil ardent de se reposer.

Éclipsant l'amour de Warren Brown

Puis le son du silence,
Et la musique d'un ruisseau gargouillis,
Eclipse l'amour dans votre cœur?

Puis le son d'un bébé de rire,
La musique des oiseaux,
Eclipse l'amour dans votre cœur?

Puis un beau coucher de soleil,
Avec le lever du soleil lumineux,
Eclipse l'amour dans votre cœur?

Le son d'éternité,
Et la musique de création,
Eclipse l'amour dans votre cœur?

Solar Eclipse Poems in English

The Eclipse of the Sun by Warren Brown

The Sun has lost its shine
Where has our Sun disappeared?
The Moon is in its prime
As it has brightly appeared.

The Sun has been Eclipsed
By the soft and tranquil Moon,
Which drapes the Sun
With its serenity and tune.

The Moon eclipses the Sun,
Just for a couple of moments
In our unending history of time,
Filled with all its permanence.

Eclipsing the Moment by Warren Brown

You made a victory
But your brother made a bigger one,
You were eclipsed by your brother’s Sun.

The King had a victory,
But, the Emperor had a bigger one,
The poor ruler was eclipsed by a bigger one.

The Writer had a victory,
But the Poet had a bigger one,
The hungry writer was eclipsed by a poetic one.

The Lion and the Eclipse by Warren Brown

Nature needs sunshine
Nature needs rain,
Nature needs protection,
From death and pain.

When the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon,
Nature is eclipsed by the Sun.
The Sun is the source of life and power,
Even the King of the Jungle needs the Sun.

The Lion looks up at the Sun,
And he knows he is truly Blessed,
As no Solar or Lunar Eclipse
Can ever put the fiery Sun to rest.

Eclipsing the Love by Warren Brown

Can the sound of silence,
And the music of a gurgling brook,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can the sound of a baby’s laugh,
The music of the birds,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can a beautiful sunset,
With the bright sunrise,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Will the sound of Eternity,
And the music of Creation,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Poem: The Spaces in the Mind

The Spaces in the Mind by Warren Brown

The hills of the mind
Are barriers to the soul.
The hills of the world
Are the barriers to the goal.

The treacherous climb
To the top of the mountain peak
Is filled with the envy and the greed
Of the treasures we vainly seek.

The depth of the ocean
Hide the treasures of the Soul.
The creatures of the deep
Protect the treasures and gold.

The inky expanse of the Universe
Create a journey into space and nothingness,
While the travel into the valleys of our soul
Can help us to regain our wholeness.

The discover of the complete Man,
And the discovery of the complete woman,
Is a quest few can safely return from
And a search few dare to undertake.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Eclipse of the Sun and other poems

The Eclipse of the Sun and other poems

I have written a few poems inspired by the Solar Eclipse this Friday the 1st of August. Read my poems and send me your feedback. Thank you and have a great weekend.

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Eclipsing the Love

Can the sound of silence,
And the music of a gurgling brook,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can the sound of a baby’s laugh,
The music of the birds,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can a beautiful sunset,
With the bright sunrise,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Will the sound of Eternity,
And the music of Creation,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

The Lion and the Eclipse

The Lion and the Eclipse by Warren Brown

Nature needs sunshine
Nature needs rain,
Nature needs protection,
From death and pain.

When the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon,
Nature is eclipsed by the Sun.
The Sun is the source of life and power,
Even the King of the Jungle needs the Sun.

The Lion looks up at the Sun,
And he knows he is truly Blessed,
As no Solar or Lunar Eclipse
Can ever put the fiery Sun to rest.

Eclipsing the Moment

Eclipsing the Moment by Warren Brown

You made a victory
But your brother made a bigger one,
You were eclipsed by your brother’s Sun.

The King had a victory,
But, the Emperor had a bigger one,
The poor ruler was eclipsed by a bigger one.

The Writer had a victory,
But the Poet had a bigger one,
The hungry writer was eclipsed by a poetic one.

The Eclipse of the Sun

The Eclipse of the Sun by Warren Brown

The Sun has lost its shine
Where has our Sun disappeared?
The Moon is in its prime
As it has brightly appeared.

The Sun has been Eclipsed
By the soft and tranquil Moon,
Which drapes the Sun
With its serenity and tune.

The Moon eclipses the Sun,
Just for a couple of moments
In our unending history of time,
Filled with all its permanence.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

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Friday, May 16, 2008

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