Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Articles on Ezines get me Traffic

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Tips on Creating an Information product

If you have a Hobby, you are passionate about, then these are the steps to creating an Information product.

1. List everything you like about your Hobby.

2. Find all the information you can find related to your hobby.

3. Compile your information.

4. List all the benefits others can get from this Hobby.

5. Publish your EBook based on all the valuable materials you have collected on your Hobby.

6. Build a Squidoo lens in a few minutes related to your EBook Niche.

7. Promote your ebook on all Social network sites.

8. Blog about your EBook.

9. Write and send out a Press Release about your EBook.

10. Create a You Tube video about your EBook.

11. Sell your EBook on Payloadz and Clickbank.

12. Generate an income in your Pal Pal account.

The Link to the Big Information Creation Discussion

The Bucket List

I always wanted to publish books on my Internet work, on cooking and on internet marketing. I have successfully completed this item on my bucket list, this year. I have completed ten books, which are now featured on Amazon.

The second item on my list is to complete a fiction novel. I am presently working on this project and hope to complete it this year.

The third item on my list is to bring about positive changes in the world, either with a global project or a concept which will help people to all make a difference. This is a lifetime project, I feel.

The Bucket List Keeps on Growing

Friday, June 04, 2010

Writers Net

I have now joined one of the largest writing communities on the web for Writers. You are welcome to visit my Profile on Writers Net. Thank you for taking the time to visit.

                   Warren on Writers Net

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

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