Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Secret Picture- An Anglo-Indian Short Story


These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood, a fictional area in Calcutta. The places, characters and events of the short stories are all existing, living and occurring in the period of the “Golden Age of Anglo-Indians” in Calcutta, between the 1960s to the 1990s.

Enjoy the stories of the characters, living their lives at Anglo-Street, which is a neighbourhood which is fully populated by members of the Anglo-Indian community. In the past there were several areas in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay and Madras which had neighbourhoods with Anglo-Indian residents.

The author has attempted to recreate a place in the fictional neighbourhood of “Anglo-Street” where all Anglo-Indians and those interested in the colourful tapestry of this mixed-race community would feel at home.

Welcome to Anglo-Street, your very own Anglo-Indian neighbourhood in Calcutta.

Meet the residents, learn about their lives and experience life in a place now forgotten in the corridors of time.


To Anglo-Indians, Eurasians and Mixed-Races

Past, Present and Future


India and the Rest of the World

“Be Proud of Your Identity”

These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood #amcbuzz http://amzn.to/1UGtGAt

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Warren Recommends "A Grandmother's Legacy" by Jenny Mallin

Jenny Mallin's earliest memories are of her mother in the kitchen, tapping a wooden spoon against the side of the metal dekshi and then tasting her curry sauce, checking the seasoning. From that moment, Jenny was hooked...

With her passions for cooking, India, research and writing, the outcome has been a labour of love - a memoir that mingles the history of her family when they lived in India, with her grandmothers' recipes that were prudently passed down through the generations. Each recipe has been lovingly researched, leading Jenny on a road of discovery about her ancestors, with her grandmothers' legacy continuing to assist in providing clues to their rich and eventful past. A unique insight into five generations of an Anglo-Indian family; an evocative memoir that stirs the imagination of the reader by bringing to life her grandmothers, their lifestyle and their recipes. It's a story about these extraordinary ladies, who showed great foresight by sharing and passing their recipe book from one generation to the next... These were all ladies who were brought up during the reign of Queen Victoria and King George, fiercely loyal to their Queen (and King) and yet lived happily in their community in India, equally at home with making Yorkshire Pudding one day and a hot fiery Madras Curry the next. As proud custodian of a recipe book that dates back to 1844, Jenny has managed to share with us a glimpse into a fascinating period of time in Indian history.

Jenny has travelled extensively throughout India and has also visited many other countries, including Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, and America. Her travelogues and written anecdotes of her journeys are much enjoyed by her family and friends.

Now a writer, Jenny has had a successful career at the BBC in television production. She lives in Kingsclere with Stewart, her husband of over 30 years, and their two cats. Any spare time that she has is spent doing painting, home decorating, jewellery making, listening to music, photography and enjoying nature. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Writing Novellas and the Novella Links List

I am in the process of writing novellas and flash fiction.
Here are some interesting links related to novellas.
You are welcome to read my latest novella, “Monkey In Mind”
(Download FREE and leave a Review on 26, 27, 28 March 2016)

The Novella Links List

The World’s Greatest Novellas- Goodreads List

Monday, March 21, 2016

EASTER GIVEAWAY- 26, 27, 28 March 2016

Download a Free copy of Monkey in Mind on the 26, 27, 28 March.
Please leave a Book review.
Thank you and have a Happy and Holy Easter 2016.

Monkey in Mind

A high octane adventure of a Thought Monkey

This is a tale about a Thought Monkey called Monkey Tell whose task it is to deliver thoughts to people and who he must help to fulfill those thoughts to completion. However, Monkey Tell as he calls himself after the legend William Tell has to face the challenges of the Elfins with their Mirrors of Distraction, who take people off in different directions and so result in them not taking their thoughts on board, which could change their lives. Monkey Tell is a Red Thought Monkey or a Metal Monkey.
Monkey Tell in this story has to shoot these chosen people with his arrows of golden thoughts so that they can accomplish their dreams. Join Monkey Tell on his adventures through the tangled processes of thoughts and distractions which human beings face in life every day.

˃˃˃ Monkey Tell the Thought Monkey

Monkey Tell is a Thought Monkey who collects his arrows of thought.
This Thought Monkey stores the collected thoughts in his quiver of arrows and delivers them to the right people, at the right time.

˃˃˃ The Golden Arrow

Every thought we have in life starts as a small impression we receive in our mind.
Over the passage of time, we accumulate similar thoughts so that they start to build a form and structure.
A similar mental imprint of what Sam wanted to build in his life was now a living creation in the forest of his mind.
The Monkey Tell thought monkey had shot him with the golden arrow of the illumination of an idea which could change his life.
Sam Hardless now believed that his vision could be achieved.

˃˃˃ The Power of a Thought

“The power of a thought can make a man an Immortal.
The power of a thought can save humanity from extinction.
The power of a thought can define our existence in the universe.
A thought can travel through time and space,
A thought can pierce heaven and hell,
I am that thought, I am Monkey Tell.”

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Thought Monkey- Meet Monkey Tell

Dedicated to the Year of The Monkey

Summary: Monkey in Mind
A high octane adventure of a Thought Monkey
This is a tale about a Thought Monkey called Monkey Tell whose task it is to deliver thoughts to people and who he must help to fulfill those thoughts to completion. However, Monkey Tell as he calls himself after the legend William Tell has to face the challenges of the Elfins with their Mirrors of Distraction, who take people off in different directions and so result in them not taking their thoughts on board, which could change their lives. Monkey Tell is a Red Thought Monkey or a Metal Monkey.

Monkey Tell in this story has to shoot these chosen people with his arrows of golden thoughts so that they can accomplish their dreams. Join Monkey Tell on his adventures through the tangled processes of thoughts and distractions which human beings face in life every day.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Happy Mothers Day- Free Book of Poetry

Download for Free, "Lady of the Sea and other poems" by Warren Brown for Mothers Day.
Kindly leave a Review for the book.

Have a Happy Mother's day with your Mother.
I miss my Mother Joan who passed away almost eight years ago.

This collection of poems explores a number of interesting topics from Ninjas and Shoguns, to Robin Hood, Britain's Got Talent, to poems on Nature, Elvis Presley, the Piccadilly Line and the History of London. Warren Brown has been writing Poetry since the age of Eighteen and has published a number of his poems in magazines, newspapers, blogs,poetry.com and in the Anthology of Poetry, published by the Watermark Press, USA.


Thursday, March 03, 2016

Happy World Book Day 2016

Download a Free Novel "Travelman" for World Book day 2016

Travel Man is an ordinary man with the ability to travel through time, space and dimensions 
solving crimes and having adventures. He escapes his enemies and has the most thrilling adventures in his quest to find his destiny.

Yes, I am Travelman, with the ability to cross the boundaries of Time and Space, to be able to experience life to its very fullest.
I am Travelman with the freedom of living in all the dimensions known and unknown to man.
I am Travelman, my adventure is just beginning and so can yours, if you only unlock the freedom of your imagination.

Earth Welcomes A New Superhero Travelman.

Author's Request: Please leave a Book review, Thank you.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Travelman Discount Sale till 12 March 2016

Get the latest discount on the new novel "Travelman" on Smashwords.
Use the Coupon Code before you Checkout.

Promotional price: $0.99
Coupon Code: SR86G
Expires: March 12, 2016


Travel Man is an ordinary man with the ability to travel through time, space and dimensions 
solving crimes and having adventures. He escapes his enemies and has the most thrilling adventures in his quest to find his destiny. Travel Man is an ordinary man with the ability to travel through time, space and dimensions solving crimes and having adventures. He escapes his enemies and has the most thrilling adventures in his quest to find his destiny.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016