Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Book Giveaways- 20, 21 April 2016


Short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”

The places, characters and events of the short stories are all existing, living and occurring in the period of the “Golden Age of Anglo-Indians” in Calcutta, between the 1960s to the 1990s.

˃˃˃ Enjoy the stories of the characters, living their lives at Anglo-Street

In the past there were several areas in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay and Madras which had neighbourhoods with Anglo-Indian residents.

˃˃˃ Where is “Anglo-Street”?

These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood, a fictional area in Calcutta.

˃˃˃ A Short Stories Series

This short story is part of the latest collection of Anglo-Indian short stories to be published by Warren Brown.
These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood, a fictional area in Calcutta. The places, characters and events of the short stories are all existing, living and occurring in the period of the “Golden Age of Anglo-Indians” in Calcutta, between the 1960s to the 1990s.
Enjoy the stories of the characters, living their lives at Anglo-Street, which is a neighbourhood which is fully populated by members of the Anglo-Indian community. In the past there were several areas in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay and Madras which had neighbourhoods with Anglo-Indian residents.
The author has attempted to recreate a place in the fictional neighbourhood of “Anglo-Street” where all Anglo-Indians and those interested in the colourful tapestry of this mixed-race community would feel at home.
Welcome to Anglo-Street, your very own Anglo-Indian neighbourhood in Calcutta.
Meet the residents, learn about their lives and experience life in a place now forgotten in the corridors of time.

Book Giveaway- Monkey In Mind- 19 April 2016

Book Giveaway- Monkey In Mind- 19 April 2016

A high octane adventure of a Thought Monkey

This is a tale about a Thought Monkey called Monkey Tell whose task it is to deliver thoughts to people and who he must help to fulfill those thoughts to completion. However, Monkey Tell as he calls himself after the legend William Tell has to face the challenges of the Elfins with their Mirrors of Distraction, who take people off in different directions and so result in them not taking their thoughts on board, which could change their lives. Monkey Tell is a Red Thought Monkey or a Metal Monkey.
Monkey Tell in this story has to shoot these chosen people with his arrows of golden thoughts so that they can accomplish their dreams. Join Monkey Tell on his adventures through the tangled processes of thoughts and distractions which human beings face in life every day.

˃˃˃ Monkey Tell the Thought Monkey

Monkey Tell is a Thought Monkey who collects his arrows of thought.
This Thought Monkey stores the collected thoughts in his quiver of arrows and delivers them to the right people, at the right time.

˃˃˃ The Golden Arrow

Every thought we have in life starts as a small impression we receive in our mind.
Over the passage of time, we accumulate similar thoughts so that they start to build a form and structure.
A similar mental imprint of what Sam wanted to build in his life was now a living creation in the forest of his mind.
The Monkey Tell thought monkey had shot him with the golden arrow of the illumination of an idea which could change his life.
Sam Hardless now believed that his vision could be achieved.

˃˃˃ The Power of a Thought

“The power of a thought can make a man an Immortal.
The power of a thought can save humanity from extinction.
The power of a thought can define our existence in the universe.
A thought can travel through time and space,
A thought can pierce heaven and hell,
I am that thought, I am Monkey Tell.”

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

FLOOD WATERS- An Anglo-Indian Short Story


These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood, a fictional area in Calcutta. The places, characters and events of the short stories are all existing, living and occurring in the period of the “Golden Age of Anglo-Indians” in Calcutta, between the 1960s to the 1990s.

˃˃˃ The Waters Rise
The Waters snake through the streets of the City of Calcutta. The rains are not stopping. The heavens have opened for the last two days and there does not seem to be any sign of the rainfall stopping soon

˃˃˃ Thunder and Lightning
Nancy always wondered when she cried why Jesus had taken her mother from her, when she wanted her mother to hold her and love her every day. Her mother would kiss her and bless her before putting Nancy to sleep every night. Her Dad would now tuck her into bed after telling her a story if he was not too tired.

˃˃˃ Hunger After The Rains
“Biriyani Mahal” and “Tandoor House” on Free School Street is crowded with people eating warm and freshly prepared food. It seems that everyone in the city is hungry after two days of heavy rain and cold damp weather.

Enjoy the stories of the characters, living their lives at Anglo-Street in Calcutta, India #amcbuzz

Secret Picture- An Anglo-Indian Short Story


These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood, a fictional area in Calcutta. The places, characters and events of the short stories are all existing, living and occurring in the period of the “Golden Age of Anglo-Indians” in Calcutta, between the 1960s to the 1990s.

Enjoy the stories of the characters, living their lives at Anglo-Street, which is a neighbourhood which is fully populated by members of the Anglo-Indian community. In the past there were several areas in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay and Madras which had neighbourhoods with Anglo-Indian residents.

The author has attempted to recreate a place in the fictional neighbourhood of “Anglo-Street” where all Anglo-Indians and those interested in the colourful tapestry of this mixed-race community would feel at home.

Welcome to Anglo-Street, your very own Anglo-Indian neighbourhood in Calcutta.

Meet the residents, learn about their lives and experience life in a place now forgotten in the corridors of time.


To Anglo-Indians, Eurasians and Mixed-Races

Past, Present and Future


India and the Rest of the World

“Be Proud of Your Identity”

These short stories are based in “Anglo-Street”, which represents an Anglo-Indian neighbourhood #amcbuzz