Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Poetry Phenomenon

One of the best ways to discover the art of poetry writing is to visit the library and to read the work of some of the greatest poets who have walked the Earth. Next, it would be a good idea to study the structure and the pattern of the various types of poems, from Romantic poetry to Nature poems and from epics and ballads to sonnets, elegies, odes and epigrams. The 16th century Japanese Haiku and the new free verse of modern society are two examples of the evolution of poetry.Listening to poems can help to put you into a poetic frame of mind, while helping you to appreciate the beauty and the structure of the poems.

Reading poems can help you to feel the rhythm of the poems and appreciate the manner in which the poet has treated his subject.

Writing poetry is a great experience in itself. The three stages in writing a poem of value would be to capture an idea, visualize the thought, select a few words related to the concept, with a ring to them and then proceed to develop your idea in the form of verse. Try creating couplets, if you are good at rhyming and then start to create a style following a pattern of poems you have read. But, if you like freedom, try writing your poem in free verse.

   A Romantic Time for Rhyme

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