Showing posts with label poet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poet. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Kingdom of Snow by Warren Brown

The Kingdom of Snow is an original poem on Winter, with the magical stories and mysteries of snow covered landscapes.


                           KINGDOM OF SNOW By Warren Brown

I have read and written poetry myself down the passage of many moons, and I was greatly impressed with the poem Snow by a young and dynamic poet who has great potential and much to offer our present world of disturbed visions and non-filtered ideas. Warren Brown tops my list of writers and poets who magnify the spirit of illusions in their creative works. Snow, is a tribute to the Creator of the universe and His open love for His creatures. Snow, is a work of art proving the mettle of Warren Brown, a blockbuster attempt for the striving environmentalist to appreciate.
 Snow, is a huge credit to the natural law of mother nature. Warren will go a long way as a poet, writer and novelist. I wish him the very best.
-Melvyn Brown

Monday, September 09, 2013

That’s Right, Poetry Can Change Your Views of the World

Is Poetry Essential in Your Life?
That’s Right…
Poetry can take you back in time like in a Historical Poem.

That’s Right…..
Poetry can bring the feelings of love and romance into your life.
That’s Right…
Poetry can help you to appreciate the beauty in Nature.
That’s Right…
Poetry can be the Voice for a Cause in Society.

That’s Right Poetry is Essential in Your Life Because You need to Appreciate the Rhyme of Life.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Lady of the Sea and other Poems

This collection of poems explores a number of interesting topics from Ninjas and Shoguns, to Robin Hood, Britain's Got Talent, to poems on Nature, Elvis Presley, the Piccadilly Line and the History of London.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lady of the Sea and other Poems by Warren Brown

My book of poems on a variety of topics from Mermaids to Robin Hood and Elvis Presley. A collection of seventy-five poems for the poet in you.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

A New Year is Born by Warren Brown

Today, is not just any morn,
No, it is the day the New Year was born.

What type of year will it be?

Will it be filled with fumbles and rumbles

In genetic science and technology?

Or will it be a year when Man and Woman

Change the course of evolving human History?

As the Seasons will come

And the Seasons will go,

The New Year will begin with a shine

Then gradually lose its lustrous glow.

Every New Year has its story to tell

Which begins with the Midnight bell.

Every New Year has its lessons,

Its judgments and its rewards.

But, the best way the celebrate the New Year

Is with joy, expectancy and good cheer.

What will the New Year hold for you?

Will you be drinking Champagne,

On your own private plane?

Or will you be sipping cold tea,

And munching on a bit of dried turkey?

Regardless of what the New Year may hold

Always remember to walk tall and be bold.

Strive hard for success and you will find

A treasure of happiness and a goldmine.

Expect to put in your best in everything you do

And a successful life will be offered to you.

As the Earth celebrates the maize and the corn,

The ever changing and fascinating dusk and dawn,

Celebrate the coming of the promising morn,

As a New Year filled with great opportunities is born.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Henry Louis Vivian Derozio-The Anglo-Indian Poet

Where would you find the greatest Anglo-Indian poet today? In the old burying ground of Calcutta, on the south side of Park Street, amid obelisks, pyramids, pillars and tombs of various forms, at the western extremity," next to the monument of Major Maling on the south,"lies the mortal remains of one of the highest gifted and most accomplished, Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, a poet, philosopher and thinker, who passed away at the age of 22.

Henry Louis Vivian Derozio-The Anglo-Indian Poet

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Author Bibliography on Amazon UK

I have just completed my Author Bibliography on Amazon UK. On my Author profile on Amazon UK are my latest books alongwith a video promotion.

Amazon UK Author Profile

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Romantic Time for Rhyme and Success Poetry

I have completed my poetry book.
This is a collection of seventy-five poems, written by Warren Brown,winner of the "Henry Louis Vivian Derozio" Anglo-Indian Poetry Award, on a variety of subjects, from Robin Hood, Britain's got Talent,Superheroes, to Ninjas and Shoguns,Elvis Presley, the Boxer and London Historica or The History of London.Discover the art of Poetry Therapy and also uncover the poems on success and positive living.This collection of poems is the perfect gift for anyone who wishes to discover the curative powers of poetry.

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Poetry Therapy

Poetry Therapy


I have found the writing of poetry very therapeutic. Poetry gives you the opportunity to express your feelings in words and images. It also gives you a chance to put words to all the ideas which come to your mind and which would be lost forever, if they are not put to some creative use.


When you feel unhappy read or hear an audio poem which can help you to alleviate your mood and make your day more pleasant.


When you are happy about some new event occurring in your life or in the world around you, take some time to put your feelings of the moment into a few lines. I find that it is a challenge to be able to put a big idea into a few lines of verse.


When you are looking for a challenge, take the time to write a poem on a boring subject, and make it a poem, to grab the interest of your reader. I practised writing poems based on historical fact, to make it more interesting and mentally appetizing for a reader.


A poem is an excellent way to channel your creative talents. You can create a poem which may seem frivolous today, but which at sometime or for someone else have a deeper meaning. Make an attempt at trying your hand at writing all types of poems. It is always best to let your thoughts flow when you are writing poetry, this is one of the best ways for releasing your creativity.


There have been times when I have written more than five poems in a day. It was just that the ideas started flowing, and there came a time when the poetry would write itself. What do I mean by saying that a poem would write itself? This means that the words, the images, the rhyme and the rhythm would all fall into place seemingly by magic once I had a concrete image or concept in my mind about the concept I wanted to write about. I have been writing poems from the age of seventeen, my first poem being, “The Lady of the Sea”. Since that poem I have not looked back. I do hope that you find the writing of Poetry as enjoyable and therapeutic as I do. I would like to wish you all the best for your future endeavours in writing poems for yourself, your family and the poetry lovers of the world.

                  Try Poetry Therapy Today


The Poetry Phenomenon

One of the best ways to discover the art of poetry writing is to visit the library and to read the work of some of the greatest poets who have walked the Earth. Next, it would be a good idea to study the structure and the pattern of the various types of poems, from Romantic poetry to Nature poems and from epics and ballads to sonnets, elegies, odes and epigrams. The 16th century Japanese Haiku and the new free verse of modern society are two examples of the evolution of poetry.Listening to poems can help to put you into a poetic frame of mind, while helping you to appreciate the beauty and the structure of the poems.

Reading poems can help you to feel the rhythm of the poems and appreciate the manner in which the poet has treated his subject.

Writing poetry is a great experience in itself. The three stages in writing a poem of value would be to capture an idea, visualize the thought, select a few words related to the concept, with a ring to them and then proceed to develop your idea in the form of verse. Try creating couplets, if you are good at rhyming and then start to create a style following a pattern of poems you have read. But, if you like freedom, try writing your poem in free verse.

   A Romantic Time for Rhyme

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Solar Eclipse Poems in English

The Eclipse of the Sun by Warren Brown

The Sun has lost its shine
Where has our Sun disappeared?
The Moon is in its prime
As it has brightly appeared.

The Sun has been Eclipsed
By the soft and tranquil Moon,
Which drapes the Sun
With its serenity and tune.

The Moon eclipses the Sun,
Just for a couple of moments
In our unending history of time,
Filled with all its permanence.

Eclipsing the Moment by Warren Brown

You made a victory
But your brother made a bigger one,
You were eclipsed by your brother’s Sun.

The King had a victory,
But, the Emperor had a bigger one,
The poor ruler was eclipsed by a bigger one.

The Writer had a victory,
But the Poet had a bigger one,
The hungry writer was eclipsed by a poetic one.

The Lion and the Eclipse by Warren Brown

Nature needs sunshine
Nature needs rain,
Nature needs protection,
From death and pain.

When the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon,
Nature is eclipsed by the Sun.
The Sun is the source of life and power,
Even the King of the Jungle needs the Sun.

The Lion looks up at the Sun,
And he knows he is truly Blessed,
As no Solar or Lunar Eclipse
Can ever put the fiery Sun to rest.

Eclipsing the Love by Warren Brown

Can the sound of silence,
And the music of a gurgling brook,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can the sound of a baby’s laugh,
The music of the birds,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can a beautiful sunset,
With the bright sunrise,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Will the sound of Eternity,
And the music of Creation,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Friday, August 01, 2008

Eclipsing the Love

Can the sound of silence,
And the music of a gurgling brook,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can the sound of a baby’s laugh,
The music of the birds,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Can a beautiful sunset,
With the bright sunrise,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

Will the sound of Eternity,
And the music of Creation,
Eclipse the Love in your heart?

The Lion and the Eclipse

The Lion and the Eclipse by Warren Brown

Nature needs sunshine
Nature needs rain,
Nature needs protection,
From death and pain.

When the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon,
Nature is eclipsed by the Sun.
The Sun is the source of life and power,
Even the King of the Jungle needs the Sun.

The Lion looks up at the Sun,
And he knows he is truly Blessed,
As no Solar or Lunar Eclipse
Can ever put the fiery Sun to rest.

Eclipsing the Moment

Eclipsing the Moment by Warren Brown

You made a victory
But your brother made a bigger one,
You were eclipsed by your brother’s Sun.

The King had a victory,
But, the Emperor had a bigger one,
The poor ruler was eclipsed by a bigger one.

The Writer had a victory,
But the Poet had a bigger one,
The hungry writer was eclipsed by a poetic one.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Lady of the Sea-Poem by Warren Brown

Upturned brows and eyes deep green,
Partly adorned by shiny scales,
A lady who is often seen
By any man who ocean sails.
He saw her perched amid the rocks,
But, when he did silently creep,
He caught a glimpse of golden locks,
As she dived smoothly into the deep.
Mermaids are part of fantasy,
Later found to be only seals,
Yet, the Legend lives out at Sea,
About mysterious damsels.
-By Warren Brown

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