Showing posts with label lifecoach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifecoach. Show all posts

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Positive Living Course- Day 3

Positive Living Course Copyright@Warren Brown. London. United Kingdom

Positive Living Course Copyright@Warren Brown. London. United Kingdom

Positive Living Course Copyright@Warren Brown. London. United Kingdom

Positive Living Course Copyright@Warren Brown. London. United Kingdom

Thursday, September 25, 2014

IBO Social

I joined IBO Toolbox a few years ago. You are welcome to visit my page and view my Press Releases at the link given below:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Sale: Reasons to Live

20% Discount for Summer

List Price: £11.97
Price: £9.58
You Save: £2.39 ( 20% )
Ships in 3–5 business days

This is a collection of some of the best Reasons to Live or some of the ways to discover your life purpose. The reasons to live extend from taking care of your family to taking a trip into outer space and sitting with your loved one in a Gondola in Venice.

There are a number of chapters on a variety of topics, which can guide you into finding something which is suitable for you. We all have a number of abilities, talents, likes and dislikes. This guide book does not provide you with all the answers, but it does help you to begin your quest in finding your life purpose.

This book was created for the sole reason to help and encourage everyone, who is confused in life and does not know his or her life purpose.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Laughter Factor

“Laughter is the best Medicine” and the best antidote to sadness and unhappiness. If you love to laugh you will discover that you do feel better after having a good hearty laugh. Laughter at anything we find funny or tickles our funny bone is also a good way to relieve stress. Keeping this point in mind, a number of laughter clubs have been created over the years.

We all laugh in a different way. Some of us “laugh through our noses, while some of us laugh through our teeth hissing and thissing like snakes”, we should love to laugh. I find that it is an excellent way to relax. Do not be embarrassed of laughing out loud, if that happen to be the way you like to laugh.

I remember the time when my parents, sister and I would go to the movies when we were growing up. I loved the comedies because they would really make me laugh. I remember watching the Charlie Chaplin movies, the Norman Wisdom movies, the Crazy Boys movies, and having a loud hearty laugh in my seat. Mum and Dad would tell me to quieten down sometimes, as I would occasionally be the only person in the cinema hall having a good laugh.

The dinner table family conversations were also times when we would all have a good laugh. Those were memorable times when my Mum, Dad, sister and I would sit around the table chat about the events during the day and have a good laugh. Mum would wipe away her tears, as she would laugh at the jokes I would share. I have always loved humour and wit growing up, and the family dining table was the one place where I would practise to sharpen my wit and satire. Later on in years, after my marriage, Mum, Dad, my wife and I would sit around the same table and share jokes and laugh at life in general. Those were all the happy memories I can remember today, those are the thoughts which bring Mum back to me in my mind. Mum passed away a few months ago and I miss her very much. Laughter, humour and happiness are the ingredients of happy memories whenever we need to remember our loved ones.

Take time to laugh today and if you are not in the habit of doing so, learn the art of humour and wit and get to know the secret recipe to enjoying life. Is there room in your life for humour and laughter? Like in the words of that great Comedian, Peter Sellers, in the Pink Panther, as Inspector Clouseau, “Do you have a rooooom?”. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the antics of Peter Sellers and Charlie Chaplin as they brought the screen and my humour alive whenever they tumbled onto the silver screen. Take time to Laugh your socks off today, it could even add a few years to your life. Laugh at life and laugh at yourself and before long you could be laughing your way to the bank, if you make laughter a skill and laugh your way into the International Comedy circuit and maybe even Hollywood. You could have another Jim Carrey or Robin Williams lurking somewhere in your comic nature. Take time to have a laugh today.

Friday, August 01, 2008

The Lion and the Eclipse

The Lion and the Eclipse by Warren Brown

Nature needs sunshine
Nature needs rain,
Nature needs protection,
From death and pain.

When the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon,
Nature is eclipsed by the Sun.
The Sun is the source of life and power,
Even the King of the Jungle needs the Sun.

The Lion looks up at the Sun,
And he knows he is truly Blessed,
As no Solar or Lunar Eclipse
Can ever put the fiery Sun to rest.

Eclipsing the Moment

Eclipsing the Moment by Warren Brown

You made a victory
But your brother made a bigger one,
You were eclipsed by your brother’s Sun.

The King had a victory,
But, the Emperor had a bigger one,
The poor ruler was eclipsed by a bigger one.

The Writer had a victory,
But the Poet had a bigger one,
The hungry writer was eclipsed by a poetic one.

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