Showing posts with label copywriter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label copywriter. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Your Copywriter Matters

How would you go about developing a good rapport with your Copywriter?

Debra Jason has a number of useful tips on how you can make your Copywriter give you his or her best work, while developing powerful and effective material for your marketing campaign.

"How To Get More People to RESPOND To Your Offer" is an essential book for every copywriter's library.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Laughter Factor

“Laughter is the best Medicine” and the best antidote to sadness and unhappiness. If you love to laugh you will discover that you do feel better after having a good hearty laugh. Laughter at anything we find funny or tickles our funny bone is also a good way to relieve stress. Keeping this point in mind, a number of laughter clubs have been created over the years.

We all laugh in a different way. Some of us “laugh through our noses, while some of us laugh through our teeth hissing and thissing like snakes”, we should love to laugh. I find that it is an excellent way to relax. Do not be embarrassed of laughing out loud, if that happen to be the way you like to laugh.

I remember the time when my parents, sister and I would go to the movies when we were growing up. I loved the comedies because they would really make me laugh. I remember watching the Charlie Chaplin movies, the Norman Wisdom movies, the Crazy Boys movies, and having a loud hearty laugh in my seat. Mum and Dad would tell me to quieten down sometimes, as I would occasionally be the only person in the cinema hall having a good laugh.

The dinner table family conversations were also times when we would all have a good laugh. Those were memorable times when my Mum, Dad, sister and I would sit around the table chat about the events during the day and have a good laugh. Mum would wipe away her tears, as she would laugh at the jokes I would share. I have always loved humour and wit growing up, and the family dining table was the one place where I would practise to sharpen my wit and satire. Later on in years, after my marriage, Mum, Dad, my wife and I would sit around the same table and share jokes and laugh at life in general. Those were all the happy memories I can remember today, those are the thoughts which bring Mum back to me in my mind. Mum passed away a few months ago and I miss her very much. Laughter, humour and happiness are the ingredients of happy memories whenever we need to remember our loved ones.

Take time to laugh today and if you are not in the habit of doing so, learn the art of humour and wit and get to know the secret recipe to enjoying life. Is there room in your life for humour and laughter? Like in the words of that great Comedian, Peter Sellers, in the Pink Panther, as Inspector Clouseau, “Do you have a rooooom?”. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the antics of Peter Sellers and Charlie Chaplin as they brought the screen and my humour alive whenever they tumbled onto the silver screen. Take time to Laugh your socks off today, it could even add a few years to your life. Laugh at life and laugh at yourself and before long you could be laughing your way to the bank, if you make laughter a skill and laugh your way into the International Comedy circuit and maybe even Hollywood. You could have another Jim Carrey or Robin Williams lurking somewhere in your comic nature. Take time to have a laugh today.

Mum and Steven Seagal

My late Mum, Joan was a great fan of Steven Seagal. Mum liked to watch all Steven Seagal’s movies and thought that he was a great action movie star. Mum would say that she liked Steven Seagal because he was always very cool when he would confront the bad guys and you would never see him losing his temper.

I remember the first time we saw Steven Seagal movie, it was in “Under Siege” in 1992, where he is a cook on a battleship and confronts the villains in the forms of Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones, not forgetting the beautiful, “Birthday Cake Girl” semi-nude Erika Eleniak. This was a great movie and made a big impression on the four of us, Mum, Dad, my sister and myself.

Although Steven Seagal is a tall and imposing figure he moves like a cat and takes on the villains like they were flies. The actor himself is very interested in the Martial arts and is quite proficient in the Eastern Arts of meditation.

In life we need to be able to confront our challenges with a calm and peaceful mind and to be aware of the fact that every situation changes. We do not need to battle our way through life, but to be able to calmly move them aside effortlessly. This state of mind where we react calmly to life situations can be achieved if we learn to practise meditation and understand the life is always teaching us to improve ourselves.

In the movies, Steven Seagall takes on the bad guys and tosses them around. We do not need to do this in life. We need to control our tempers and our tongues, while concentrating our mind on inner peace of mind. As we practise the art of the mind warrior we will learn how to overcome our own fears and weaknesses, we will gradually understand that life has great rewards to offer to those who understand the value of life, with all its joys, sorrows, victories and defeats.

Steven Seagal has made a number of movies since “Under Siege”. A few of his other movies are “Under Siege 2”, “On Deadly Ground”, “Above the Law”, “ Marked for Death”, “Cradle to the Grave”, being just a few of them. Take the time to get a Steven Seagal movie to watch today and appreciate the value of the character he portrays on screen.

Success Life Coaching

It is truly rewarding when you can help a person to get control of his or her life. A Life Coach should always be close at hand to help an individual to understand, solve and create a plan to gain a better perspective into life’s challenges. There are times in life when we feel that we are truly burdened with life’s problems, we feel we are like Atlas holding the world on our shoulders. You need not worry any longer. There is that one person who can help you to better understand your life situation, to know your place and your role in your life, that valuable individual is your guide and mentor, your Life Coach.

Life has so much to offer each and every one of us. We all share common problems, but the unique way in which we are built changes our reactions to our life situations. We all have unique personalities, we grow up in different life situations, we are all genetically unique, but, at the same time, we must remember, we are all part of the human race.

We all should have goals in life, in order to feel the need to get up every morning with a purpose in life and to go to sleep every night with a feeling of having done something worthwhile at night. We all do not have great jobs and we all do not have perfect relationships or have freedom from financial worries. With the help of a Life Coach we can overcome our fears about our relationship, financial or career worries, while we are encouraged to develop self motivation for success.

The main role of a Life Coach is to help you to better understand the forces which are working in your life, and to help you to gain an understanding into your personality and the effect you have on the world around you. You can be your own Life Coach, once you have achieved that level of understanding, so that we do not have to be victims of our life situations, instead we will be able to control and plan our lives for the sweet stink of Success.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I was Tagged on Facebook

25 Things About Warren

I enjoy creative writing articles, blogs, stories, poetry and reading non-fiction.
I like cooking Anglo-Indian dishes, as prepared by my Mum, as well as experimenting with exciting Chinese and Indian preparations as well.
I like reading the American Superhero comics.
I love the movies. American movies of all genres. Indian movies historical and period pieces. British movies based on the classic novels, as well as the old comedies, like the Carry ON series and the TV series “Jeeves & Wooster” and “Blackadder”. I love watching comedies and having a hearty laugh.
I am deeply interested in Dreams, mysticism and meaning of Symbols in Art and Architecture.
I am also interested in the Paranormal like UFOs, extra-terrestrials and the unexplained.
I enjoy the medium of the web and have been working on the web since 1998.
I think that there is great potential in Ecommerce and we are just at the beginning of a renaissance in the Golden Age of Internet Marketing.
I am a trained Life Coach and I enjoy helping others to excel and to be a Success in their field of endeavour.
I am interested in Copywriting and I have done a Copywriting course from American Writers and Artists International.
I love my family, family matters a lot to me, from my wife, to my Mum(who passed away recently), my Dad, my sister, my brother-in-law, my two nieces, my nephew, my relatives in India, Australia and Canada.
I value my friends and my network of people who enjoy reading my work and supporting my various causes, both on and off the web.
I love marketing for fresh vegetables, this was due to the fact that Mum and I would do a lot of marketing while growing up.
I love watching the rain, mum and I loved to watch the pouring rain, except when it was lightning and Mum would run back into the room. Rain nourishes the soil and brings with it new life.
I enjoy photography, video filming and have prepared a number of short videos. I also like script-writing and directing of short films.
I really like the world of Publishing and I have been involved with printing and publishing since a very young age and my Dad has been actively a part of the media. I have published a lot of my work on the Lulu self publishing site. I am also a Publishing Consultant helping everyone who wants to be a Writer to prepare and publish their own work, with minimum investment.
I was a librarian for over eleven years at the Goethals Indian Library and Research Society in Calcutta, India. I have the traits of a Librarian and Researcher, which is an added advantage for a writer and publisher on the web.
I have a number of philosophies about life, like we are all here for a purpose, that this is not the end and whatever we do at the beginning of our life will be repeated on in later years in a more magnified way.
I Believe in Miracles and in the Power of the individual to make a positive difference in the World.
I enjoy website making and Affiliate Marketing, especially pasting the HTML code onto a website and watching it take on a whole new life, when it is published on the web.
I find courses on different subjects very fascinating which is why, I have successfully completed different courses over the years. I have completed a number of courses like “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Teachers Training”, “Library Science”, “Entrepreneurship Development Programme”, “Computer Science”, “Life Coaching”, “The Effective Administrator” and “The AWAI Copywriting Program”.
The Indestructible Soul: I Believe that the Soul is indestructible based on the Law of Energy, “that energy is neither created nor destroyed, as it is transformed from one form to another, while remaining constant throughout”. We all have to go back to where we came from and our Soul is energy.
Movies of Special significance for me are given below:
(a) Superman with Christopher Reeve
(b) Sound of Music my Mum’s favourite movie
(c) James Bond, with Roger Moore.
(d)Tarzan movies (Johnny Weismuller and with Christopher Lambert) which I would go and see with my Dad
(e) The Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies
(f) The Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett
(g) Silverado
(h) Batman
(i) Star Wars
24. I Believe that it is important in life to have an opinion on everything and to search for information on everything that you find interesting in life. I guess that it is my natural librarian instinct.
25. Take the time to appreciate and record your life, as a source of inspiration and encouragement for your future and to inspire others with your example.

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