Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts

Friday, August 01, 2008

The Lion and the Eclipse

The Lion and the Eclipse by Warren Brown

Nature needs sunshine
Nature needs rain,
Nature needs protection,
From death and pain.

When the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon,
Nature is eclipsed by the Sun.
The Sun is the source of life and power,
Even the King of the Jungle needs the Sun.

The Lion looks up at the Sun,
And he knows he is truly Blessed,
As no Solar or Lunar Eclipse
Can ever put the fiery Sun to rest.

Eclipsing the Moment

Eclipsing the Moment by Warren Brown

You made a victory
But your brother made a bigger one,
You were eclipsed by your brother’s Sun.

The King had a victory,
But, the Emperor had a bigger one,
The poor ruler was eclipsed by a bigger one.

The Writer had a victory,
But the Poet had a bigger one,
The hungry writer was eclipsed by a poetic one.

The Eclipse of the Sun

The Eclipse of the Sun by Warren Brown

The Sun has lost its shine
Where has our Sun disappeared?
The Moon is in its prime
As it has brightly appeared.

The Sun has been Eclipsed
By the soft and tranquil Moon,
Which drapes the Sun
With its serenity and tune.

The Moon eclipses the Sun,
Just for a couple of moments
In our unending history of time,
Filled with all its permanence.

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