Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Poetry Therapy

Poetry Therapy


I have found the writing of poetry very therapeutic. Poetry gives you the opportunity to express your feelings in words and images. It also gives you a chance to put words to all the ideas which come to your mind and which would be lost forever, if they are not put to some creative use.


When you feel unhappy read or hear an audio poem which can help you to alleviate your mood and make your day more pleasant.


When you are happy about some new event occurring in your life or in the world around you, take some time to put your feelings of the moment into a few lines. I find that it is a challenge to be able to put a big idea into a few lines of verse.


When you are looking for a challenge, take the time to write a poem on a boring subject, and make it a poem, to grab the interest of your reader. I practised writing poems based on historical fact, to make it more interesting and mentally appetizing for a reader.


A poem is an excellent way to channel your creative talents. You can create a poem which may seem frivolous today, but which at sometime or for someone else have a deeper meaning. Make an attempt at trying your hand at writing all types of poems. It is always best to let your thoughts flow when you are writing poetry, this is one of the best ways for releasing your creativity.


There have been times when I have written more than five poems in a day. It was just that the ideas started flowing, and there came a time when the poetry would write itself. What do I mean by saying that a poem would write itself? This means that the words, the images, the rhyme and the rhythm would all fall into place seemingly by magic once I had a concrete image or concept in my mind about the concept I wanted to write about. I have been writing poems from the age of seventeen, my first poem being, “The Lady of the Sea”. Since that poem I have not looked back. I do hope that you find the writing of Poetry as enjoyable and therapeutic as I do. I would like to wish you all the best for your future endeavours in writing poems for yourself, your family and the poetry lovers of the world.

                  Try Poetry Therapy Today


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