Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts

Monday, September 09, 2013

Buy "The Secret Race: Anglo-Indians" Because Every Anglo-Indian Needs a Copy

The book, “The Secret Race: Anglo-Indians” IS NOT

1.       Another History book on the Anglo-Indian community.
2.       Another book about all the glorious accounts of the Anglo-Indian community.
3.       Another book about all the Glory of an Anglo-Indian.

The book, “The Secret Race: Anglo”,

1.       A Personal Perspective on the Anglo-Indian community.
2.       An account of the Anglo-Indian Identity in the 21st Century.
3.       A Request for the Preservation of the dying culture and traditions of the Community.


As an Anglo-Indian you need to know the present Crisis of Identity and Culture faced by the Anglo-Indian Community all over the World.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Is the Anglo-Indian Community Disappearing?

A product of the British Empire, with a mixture of Western and Indian names, customs and complexions, 2,000 Anglo-Indians are to attend a reunion in Calcutta. But their communities in both the UK and the subcontinent are disappearing, writes Anglo-Indian Kris Griffiths.Read more...

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