Showing posts with label secret race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret race. Show all posts

Friday, June 05, 2015

What is IPR License?

IPR License is the online platform on which to acquire subsidiary book rights and permissions on a global scale.

Warren Brown on IPR License

Anglo-Indians on IPR License

Anglo-Indians are the only English speaking, Christian community in India, whose Mother tongue is English and who have a Western lifestyle in the sub-continent of India. Anglo-Indians originated during the Colonial period in India. When British soldiers and traders had affairs or married Indian women their offspring came to be known as Anglo-Indians or Eurasians in history.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Buy "The Secret Race: Anglo-Indians" Because Every Anglo-Indian Needs a Copy

The book, “The Secret Race: Anglo-Indians” IS NOT

1.       Another History book on the Anglo-Indian community.
2.       Another book about all the glorious accounts of the Anglo-Indian community.
3.       Another book about all the Glory of an Anglo-Indian.

The book, “The Secret Race: Anglo”,

1.       A Personal Perspective on the Anglo-Indian community.
2.       An account of the Anglo-Indian Identity in the 21st Century.
3.       A Request for the Preservation of the dying culture and traditions of the Community.


As an Anglo-Indian you need to know the present Crisis of Identity and Culture faced by the Anglo-Indian Community all over the World.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Sale: The Secret Race- Anglo-Indians

20% Summer Discount

List Price: £11.48
Price: £9.18
You Save: £2.30 ( 20% )
Ships in 3–5 business days
Anglo-Indians are the only English speaking, Christian community in India, whose Mother tongue is English and who have a Western lifestyle in the sub-continent of India. Anglo-Indians originated during the Colonial period in India. When British soldiers and traders had affairs or married Indian women their offspring came to be known as Anglo-Indians or Eurasians in history.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Secret Race: Anglo-Indians Released in India

The Secret Race : Anglo-Indians  by Warren Brown was released in Calcutta, India . The event was at the Gallery of Anglo-Indian Heritage at 3 Elliott Road, Calcutta, India.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Anglo-Indians "Blending Into" Indian Society

Anglo-Indians in India have no alternative but to adapt and try to blend into Indian culture. Anglo-Indians are timid of standing out in Indian society. Anglo-Indian women ( like my Mum and my wife and all the other women of the community had to start wearing the salwar kameez) were also open to humiliation and ridicule by Indian men if they wore blouses, dresses and skirts. I recall several incidents of having elbowed out of the way, Indian men who would come out of their way to walk into my mother and my wife. Wearing the salwar kameez and trying to speak the lingo is just one of the ways which Anglos in India have to adapt in order to "blend in" to Indian society. Anglo-Indians in India and abroad are nervous of revealing their humble origins. There are still large numbers of Anglo-Indians in India and all across the globe who are still proud of being Anglo-Indian(in their own homes and in groups) and the race is not dying out, it is just disappearing from public view. I call Anglo-Indians, "The Secret Race" for this reason, which is also why the book has been ridiculed by many who insist that the book does not do the community justice. I grew up in India, my Dad is a well known personality so I do know exactly what I am writing about. The writer of the article definitely needs to get to know more Anglo-Indian families in India.

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