Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Re-Claim Your Life

It is taken away from us once we become adults. As teenagers and youth we have so much of it, yet as we grow into adults we have it taken away from us. There are so many claims in the world today from PPI Claims, reclaim Tax to Insurance claims. The time has now arrived for you to Re-Claim your Life and your Freedom. Read more.....

Monday, December 24, 2012

Bridge Master and the Bridge Across Life Stories

This is a collection of three short stories and one poem on the loss of loved ones in our lives. Bridge Master and the Bridge Across Life is a short story. The Midnight Gardener is a short story. Grand Dad's Memoriam Journal is a short story. The Bridge across life is a poem. This is an original collection of short stories and a poem by Warren Brown.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

A Tribute to Charles Chaplin

One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given by a silent comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin. This speech by Charles Chaplin is so relevant in today's world.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

In Memory of a Special Mum on Mother's Day

Thinking of you, dearest Mum

in such a special way

but these are all that I can give

to you on Mother's Day.

A bouquet of lovely memories

sprayed with a million tears

with wishes that you could have stayed

for just a few more years.

And a kiss blown straight to heaven

with love to you from me

in memory of the bond we'll share

for all eternity.

For although it hurt to lose you

and I'll always feel the pain

I know you're just a thought away

till the day we meet again.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Use Your Money for the Common Good Starting Today

Everyone deserves to have a proper human existence in life and to enjoy all that life has to offer. It is time that more of us start to use our money for the good of humanity. If you happen to know of a cause or person who needs your help and support, then this is the time to use your  money to help them out. Money is important for our life, but it is not the most important thing for a human being.Those who use money for fulfilling their necessities, acquiring reasonable comforts and for the welfare of a common good, are the masters of money. I Believe that we can all use Money as an instrument to make the world a better place for humanity.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Book Preview "Reasons to Live"

This is a collection of some of the best Reasons to Live or some of the ways to discover your life purpose. The reasons to live extend from taking care of your family to taking a trip into outer space and sitting with your loved one in a Gondola in Venice.

There are a number of chapters on a variety of topics, which can guide you into finding something which is suitable for you. We all have a number of abilities, talents, likes and dislikes. This guide book does not provide you with all the answers, but it does help you to begin your quest in finding your life purpose.

This book was created for the sole reason to help and encourage everyone, who is confused in life and does not know his or her life purpose.

If you happen to discover one reason to make your life more worthwhile and meaningful, then I have succeeded, in assisting you to discover the meaning, purpose and the magnificence of your life and destiny.

Book Preview "Reasons to Live"

Friday, September 25, 2009

An Invitation to Life

5. AN INVITATION TO LIFE by Warren Brown

You are cordially Invited
To take charge of your life
To take charge of your destiny,
To take charge of your special moments
To take charge of your life energy.

You are receiving this Life Invitation,
On behalf of your Positive self
On behalf of your Ambitious self
On behalf of your full potential.

Kindly accept this Life Invitation,
On behalf of your Positive self
On behalf of your Ambitious self
On behalf of your full potential.

Celebrate your Life Invitation,
By growing more Positive every day
By growing more Ambitious every day.
By fulfilling your potential every day.

You are receiving this Invitation,
To make your life better
To make the lives of others better
To make your home a better place
To make our World a better place.

Your Response is requested
To the Invitation of Life.
Begin today,
Invite a Friend tomorrow, to Celebrate Life
Invite the People of the World tomorrow,
To make a positive Invitation,
And a worthwhile contribution to Life.

Read the book "A Romantic Time for Rhyme and Success Poetry"

List of my Poems from my New book


1. The Legend of the Robbing Hood
2. The Right Advice
3. The Poetics of Jealousy
4. Feeding the Flames of Love
5. An Invitation to Life
6. Get Singed with the Fires of Happiness
7. Shut the Door on Unhappiness
8. Walk Both Paths
9. Always Other People
10. The Screaming Solution
11. A Little Difference
12. An Average Life
13. The Magnetic Person
14. The Winged Messenger
15. Prefer Success
16. The Collective Mind
17. The Humour of Personality
18. Anger of the Apes
19. Spaces in the Mind
20. I Believe in Miracles
21. The Adventurer Always Moves Ahead
22. The United Family Poem
23. The Doomsday Myth
24. Experience the Flames of Happiness
25. Accommodation Needed
26. Face in the Tree
27. Your Mind
28. Life by Cell Phone
29. The Artist
30. Life of Tim
31. Our Lives in Tune
32. In This Life
33. Life Is A Circus
34. But….
35. Five Purses of Verses
36. God Bless the Stress
37. The Uncommon Crow
38. Rose Bouquet
39. Don’t Drive Drunk
40. Meditation On Temptation
41. Ten Clerihew For You
42. The Nature Hymn
43. Seed of Destiny
44. Alive With You O Lord!
45. History of the Secret Race: Anglo-Indians
46. God Makes the Rule
47. Anglo-Indian Limericks
48. A Vision of You
49. Lady of the Sea
50. Anglos of India: Will the Race Survive?
51. Guardian Angel Protect Madeliene
52. Eclipse of the Sun
53. Eclipsing the Moment
54. The Lion and the Eclipse
55. Eclipsing the Love
56. The Spaces in the Mind
57. The Superhero Menace
58. Power and Ambition
59. The Way of the Boxer
60. The Ninjas and the Shoguns
61. The Crime of Rhyme
62. The Piccadilly Line
63. The Chippie Shop
64. Ye Olde English Pub
65. The Glimmer of the Cinema
66. Britain’s Got Valiant Talent
67. Quantum of Wallace
68. The Chronicles of Morgana
69. The Easter Resurrection
70. Our Great Pontiff Enters Heaven
71. London Historica or The History of London
72. UFOs and Parallel Universe
73. Genghis Khan the Barbarian King
74. Elvis the King of Rock and Roll
75. The Millionaire Method

View my Book- A Romantic Time for Rhyme and Success Poetry by Warren Brown

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Positive World Newsletter-Happy Valentine's Day

FEBRUARY 14, 2009 VOLUME 2: Number 2
Today is Valentine's Day and love is in the air. Couples the world over are celebrating Valentine's Day with all the exciting and wonderful displays of love and romance. The shops are running out of Valentine Cards, Chocolates and rose bouquets. The prices of gifts for that Special person in your life could be gone, if you are not fast enough in buying it from the store or online before the items are Sold Out.
Most people search for their Soulmate and some never find them, while others find their Soulmates and realize it when it is too late. If you are still searching for your Soul mate I would tell you not to give up your search. This is the issue which will give you a clue about how you too can find your Soulmate. True Soulmates can never be parted and always remain joined together for all Eternity. Stay Positive and I Believe that you will find your Soulmate or be found by your Soulmate this year. We do live in a Positive World, the result of a Positive Creation.
Warm Regards
Warren Brown

A unique way for all of us to celebrate a fantastic Valentines Day this year.

25 Things About Warren
I enjoy creative writing articles, blogs, stories, poetry and reading non-fiction.
I like cooking Anglo-Indian dishes, as prepared by my Mum, as well as experimenting with exciting Chinese and Indian preparations as well.
I like reading the American Superhero comics.
I love the movies. American movies of all genres. Indian movies historical and period pieces. British movies based on the classic novels, as well as the old comedies, like the Carry ON series and the TV series “Jeeves & Wooster” and “Blackadder”. I love watching comedies and having a hearty laugh.
I am deeply interested in Dreams, mysticism and meaning of Symbols in Art and Architecture.
I am also interested in the Paranormal like UFOs, extra-terrestrials and the unexplained.
I enjoy the medium of the web and have been working on the web since 1998.
I think that there is great potential in Ecommerce and we are just at the beginning of a renaissance in the Golden Age of Internet Marketing.
I am a trained Life Coach and I enjoy helping others to excel and to be a Success in their field of endeavour.
I am interested in Copywriting and I have done a Copywriting course from American Writers and Artists International.
I love my family, family matters a lot to me, from my wife, to my Mum(who passed away recently), my Dad, my sister, my brother-in-law, my two nieces, my nephew, my relatives in India, Australia and Canada.
I value my friends and my network of people who enjoy reading my work and supporting my various causes, both on and off the web.
I love marketing for fresh vegetables, this was due to the fact that Mum and I would do a lot of marketing while growing up.
I love watching the rain, mum and I loved to watch the pouring rain, except when it was lightning and Mum would run back into the room. Rain nourishes the soil and brings with it new life.
I enjoy photography, video filming and have prepared a number of short videos. I also like script-writing and directing of short films.
I really like the world of Publishing and I have been involved with printing and publishing since a very young age and my Dad has been actively a part of the media. I have published a lot of my work on the Lulu self publishing site. I am also a Publishing Consultant helping everyone who wants to be a Writer to prepare and publish their own work, with minimum investment.
I was a librarian for over eleven years at the Goethals Indian Library and Research Society in Calcutta, India. I have the traits of a Librarian and Researcher, which is an added advantage for a writer and publisher on the web.
I have a number of philosophies about life, like we are all here for a purpose, that this is not the end and whatever we do at the beginning of our life will be repeated on in later years in a more magnified way.
I Believe in Miracles and in the Power of the individual to make a positive difference in the World.
I enjoy website making and Affiliate Marketing, especially pasting the HTML code onto a website and watching it take on a whole new life, when it is published on the web.
I find courses on different subjects very fascinating which is why, I have successfully completed different courses over the years. I have completed a number of courses like “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Teachers Training”, “Library Science”, “Entrepreneurship Development Programme”, “Computer Science”, “Life Coaching”, “The Effective Administrator” and “The AWAI Copywriting Program”.
The Indestructible Soul: I Believe that the Soul is indestructible based on the Law of Energy, “that energy is neither created nor destroyed, as it is transformed from one form to another, while remaining constant throughout”. We all have to go back to where we came from and our Soul is energy.
Movies of Special significance for me are given below:
(a) Superman with Christopher Reeve
(b) Sound of Music my Mum’s favourite movie
(c) James Bond, with Roger Moore.
(d)Tarzan movies (Johnny Weismuller and with Christopher Lambert) which I would go and see with my Dad
(e) The Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies
(f) The Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett
(g) Silverado
(h) Batman
(i) Star Wars
24. I Believe that it is important in life to have an opinion on everything and to search for information on everything that you find interesting in life. I guess that it is my natural librarian instinct.
25. Take the time to appreciate and record your life, as a source of inspiration and encouragement for your future and to inspire others with your example.
Read the Soulmate Article: Amazingly Discover How you Can Find Your Soulmate

The Positive Living Newsletter was created by Warren Brown Literary Enterprises Limited.Manchester.United Kingdom. 2007. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, please send a blank email with “UNSUBSCRIBE”, in the SUBJECT line. You are receiving this newsletter, as you had visited one of the several websites created byWarren. Your email address will not be misused for unlawful purposes.
Please Forward this newsletter to help everyone in our World to live a more positive life today.
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Science of Life Coaching

Life Coaching is an interesting profession, where you can help an individual to reach their potential. You can guide them to make their own choices in life.

If you want to make a difference in the lives of others and you want to make a positive change in the World, become a Life Coach.

Discover Your Life's Purpose

Sunday, February 10, 2008