Monday, August 10, 2015

Old Spitalfields Market, The gherkin and Robert Peel

We had a lovely day out, last Saturday at Old Spitalfields Market in London. My friends, wife and I, were really taken up with the marketplace.

I spotted the home of Robert Peel and remembered that he had started the Police force in London.

My wife spotted, the Police Station right beside his home. 

The Bobbies or Peelers as the Police were known.

The Gherkin was a beautiful sight.

We ended a lovely day out at The Diner with Hot-dogs and Burgers with fries.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Visit My Virtual Art Gallery Today

Friday, July 10, 2015

Boundless Imagination- The Experimental Novel

I have started writing “Boundless Imagination”, my first experimental novel. I plan to test the limits of my imagination, in each chapter in my new novel. 
There is a common thread, in the novel, around which I am weaving all the elements of a story, while creating a transformation in the character, who is on a journey into his mind and on a voyage of self-discovery for himself.
I will continue to write the novel, planning each chapter one day at a time, as I watch it develop and view the transformation of my character, till I feel that my character has been fully transformed into the person he needs to be in order to fulfill his destiny. The story could be completed in five chapters or it could take a hundred to be complete.

This novel first began as my poem, “Boundless Imagination”. I was then inspired to create the story, which I then realized would make an interesting novel, as the readers and I view the thoughts and the inner-workings of the mind of the main character, as he moves from one situation to another, while bringing him closer and closer to his final destination and the truth he seeks.

Visit the links given below to enter the literary experience of “Boundless Imagination.”

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Poem- Boundless Imagination by Warren Brown

How far can we Imagine?
We can imagine a life without fear,
We can imagine a life of happiness,
Goodwill, good fortune and cheer.

How do we imagine, all that we imagine?
Our life experiences good, sad and bad,
Contribute to our mental make-up,
and create our colourful imagination salad.

Do we imagine a salad of thoughts?
Our thoughts filled with emotions,
Are the building blocks of our imagination,
Which are the secret magical potion.

We can stretch our imagination,
To the depths of the fathomless ocean,
To the infinity of the universe,
To the heights of fantasy in motion.

Use your boundless imagination,
To build a Universe or a Nation,
To write a song or paint a canvas,
To raise your mind out of stagnation.

- Warren Brown@London.2015

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Warren Brown on Stage32

Join Warren on Stage32, 

"Stage 32 is LinkedIn meets Lynda for those working in film, television and theater." - Forbes

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Have a very Happy Father's Day today, if you are a Father or have a Father or would like to honour the memory of your Father.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my Dad a very Happy Father's Day. Dad lives miles away from me, but he is always on my mind and in my heart.

Stage 32 for Creatives in the Film, TV and Theatre Industry

I have just joined Stage32.
Stage32 is for any creatives within the Film, TV and Theater industry and who can benefit from being a member.

It is Introduce yourself weekend at stage 32. Head over to the Introduce Yourself section of the Stage 32 Lounge and let everyone know who you are, what you're working on, your dreams and aspirations. And be sure to peruse other member's threads. You never know when you're going to make a connection that changes your life!

Read the Stage 32 Blog