Saturday, February 24, 2018

Flight of Freedom- A Fantasy Novel by Warren Brown

This is a thriller novel with unexpected twists about a man who takes a journey into the unknown realms of adventure, suspense and lucid imagination.
It was also the day the earth shifted on its journey through space. It was the day that the quest began for the limits to my imagination. It was also the time when I decided to outfox the enemy within.
Read this hypnotic mind travel novel today.
Buy a copy of "Flight of Freedom", the thriller, fantasy novel.

Flight of Freedom- Paperback Edition

Scientists say that Time Travel is Possible in the Future

Time Traveler tortured

Time Travel Agent from 2043

Monday, January 15, 2018

Father and Son Video

A short film, "Father & Son" on Melvyn Brown and Warren Brown.

Dad Comments on the Video: Father and Son

"Unlike the rest of the tens of millions of people who search for a dream, Warren Brown has his in significant themes and super-creative plots largely seen in his outstanding works of fiction; he also excels when pitched into the reality world of non-fiction. Warren’s artistic form in writing is incredible – he will soon be on the book hit-list. Brown’s video clip ‘Father and Son’ is a welcome tribute to his mentor. Warren Brown has ‘Pulitzer-finesse’. Well done, son."

Melvyn Brown. 15 January 2018. Calcutta. 

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Amazon Marketing Services

My advertisement for my latest novel,  "Novel Killers: Author, Agent", has been approved by Amazon Marketing Services. the novel will be advertised on the Amazon US site.


Friday, December 08, 2017

Novel Killers: Author, Agent, Publisher, Assassin by Warren Brown

The story of one man’s determination to save writing and publishing from the evil of an international company, set on world domination. SWAMP is a global store which controls everything available and everyone who works for the company. With a team of authors, agents and publishers, SWAMP controls the world of publishing. An army of SWAMP Assassins keeps the world bowed on its knees to the Sceptre of SWAMP. Can one man save publishing in a world controlled by SWAMP?

 Every Author, Agent, Publisher is not safe from the tentacles of SWAMP Assassins. Who can you trust, when anyone could be a SWAMP Assassin, even your own Son? When SWAMP enters your life, it snuffs out your humanity. Are you ready to immerse yourself in a SWAMP of evil and deception? A novel teeming with ideas on the advancement of writing and publishing . This novel stretches the limits of publishing and overcomes any barriers to Indie publishing. 

A story filled with suspense and conspiracies. Read about the people and events which bring about the Renaissance of independent book publishing in the world. These pages are brimming with innovations in book publishing. This book is overflowing with the most unique ways to publish your thoughts to the world. A book which can act as a resource for the future of global instant publishing. A novel which puts back the vroom, vroom, vroom into publishing.

The novel which makes the world of publishing exhilarating, inspiring and thrilling. The world of publishing is explored and revealed in all its colors of fortitude, betrayal, excitement, enterprise and dynamism. 

1. One man with a vision transformed the world of publishing. But, could he stand up against SWAMP the most powerful international conglomerate in the world. Every Author, Agent and Publisher was on the hit-list of SWAMP assassins. 2. The Instant Million Dollar Bestseller is every Author’s dream. The instant million dollar generator was the answer to every author’s prayer. Would you be safe once your book became a bestseller, knowing that you were next on a SWAMP assassins hit-list?