Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts

Friday, October 04, 2019

Where Do You Keep Your Millions?

You may say I have not made my millions yet, why do you ask me where I keep my millions!
You have millions in wealth and information and you do not know it yet.
Your life experiences and skills are a fortune which you carry aorund with you.
The wealth you have in your mind needs to be converted into a tangible form like a story, a piece of art, music or soething whic can be shared with the world.
You need to contribute your wealth of knowledge with the world and soon it will be converted to your millions for you and your loved ones to live a more satisfying existence in the world.
You are a Millionaire and it is all in that limitless Vault of Treasures in your Imagination and in your Mind.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Unbreakable Unshakeable Unstoppable

This is a story about a man who takes a journey into the unknown realms of adventure, suspense and lucid imagination.
It was the day the earth shifted on its journey through space. 
It was the day that the quest began for the limits to my imagination. 
It was also the time when I decided to outfox the enemy within. 
The enemy who tries to defeat us and which chains each one of us with doubts, fears, envy and all other negative emotions, preventing us from being ourselves and discovering our true purpose in life.
Should we dare limit our minds and limit our dreams to what we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch? We live within our beliefs and within the views of others impressed onto us. We believe what the world wants us to believe, just as we believe what we see and hear in society as represented in the media. Our imagination is limitless or does the imagination even have a limit beyond which we dare not cross? We can imagine anything we want to. It is possible to live several thrilling and exotic lives in the mental consciousness of several individuals across time and space, using the power of freedom as created by an unleashed imagination.

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Poem- Boundless Imagination by Warren Brown

How far can we Imagine?
We can imagine a life without fear,
We can imagine a life of happiness,
Goodwill, good fortune and cheer.

How do we imagine, all that we imagine?
Our life experiences good, sad and bad,
Contribute to our mental make-up,
and create our colourful imagination salad.

Do we imagine a salad of thoughts?
Our thoughts filled with emotions,
Are the building blocks of our imagination,
Which are the secret magical potion.

We can stretch our imagination,
To the depths of the fathomless ocean,
To the infinity of the universe,
To the heights of fantasy in motion.

Use your boundless imagination,
To build a Universe or a Nation,
To write a song or paint a canvas,
To raise your mind out of stagnation.

- Warren Brown@London.2015

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