Showing posts with label mind power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind power. Show all posts

Friday, October 04, 2019

Where Do You Keep Your Millions?

You may say I have not made my millions yet, why do you ask me where I keep my millions!
You have millions in wealth and information and you do not know it yet.
Your life experiences and skills are a fortune which you carry aorund with you.
The wealth you have in your mind needs to be converted into a tangible form like a story, a piece of art, music or soething whic can be shared with the world.
You need to contribute your wealth of knowledge with the world and soon it will be converted to your millions for you and your loved ones to live a more satisfying existence in the world.
You are a Millionaire and it is all in that limitless Vault of Treasures in your Imagination and in your Mind.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The News Collection

Hi Blog Readers, Newsletter readers,

Have a good weekend.

Here is this week's selection of Newspapers on which I have published:

The Mixed Races, Anglo-Indian and Genealogy news:

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Newsroom

The Art of Storytelling

Public Speaking

Magic, Mindpower, Mentalism and Hypnotism News

Warren Life Coach Planet News

Happy Reading and have a superb week ahead
Warm Regards

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nothing in the Universe is What It Seems

Several hundred years ago scientists considered that the weight of an object was fixed and absolute. Then Isaac Newton demonstrated that an object weighed less at the top of a mountain than it did at sea level, where gravity was stronger. (Weight is a measure of the force that gravity exerts on an object).  Read more..

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Instant Happiness will attract what you Want in Life

You don't need to practice the 5 steps in this article to manifest your desires or attract more wealth. Nope. There is an easier way.

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