Showing posts with label treasures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treasures. Show all posts

Friday, October 04, 2019

Where Do You Keep Your Millions?

You may say I have not made my millions yet, why do you ask me where I keep my millions!
You have millions in wealth and information and you do not know it yet.
Your life experiences and skills are a fortune which you carry aorund with you.
The wealth you have in your mind needs to be converted into a tangible form like a story, a piece of art, music or soething whic can be shared with the world.
You need to contribute your wealth of knowledge with the world and soon it will be converted to your millions for you and your loved ones to live a more satisfying existence in the world.
You are a Millionaire and it is all in that limitless Vault of Treasures in your Imagination and in your Mind.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Poem: The Spaces in the Mind

The Spaces in the Mind by Warren Brown

The hills of the mind
Are barriers to the soul.
The hills of the world
Are the barriers to the goal.

The treacherous climb
To the top of the mountain peak
Is filled with the envy and the greed
Of the treasures we vainly seek.

The depth of the ocean
Hide the treasures of the Soul.
The creatures of the deep
Protect the treasures and gold.

The inky expanse of the Universe
Create a journey into space and nothingness,
While the travel into the valleys of our soul
Can help us to regain our wholeness.

The discover of the complete Man,
And the discovery of the complete woman,
Is a quest few can safely return from
And a search few dare to undertake.

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