Friday, June 18, 2010

Hubbing Hobby

Popular Hubs on Hubpages:

How are Celebrities Made?

Meditating on Fame and Fortune When ordinary people do extraordinary things in the public eye

Poetry Therapy
I Believe that Poetry is Therapeutic.I enjoy writing, reading and listening to poetry.

What are the...secretsofsuccess?
Think Success: If you think Success you can be a Success. How can we think Success?

The Eclipse of the Sun and other poems

Clerihew for You
A Clerihew is a mildly witty, pseudo-biographical verse of four lines of varying length rhyming.

Calcutta "Khichiri" Pish-Pash
Calcutta is one of those cities with a vibrant personality, filled with the bustle of activity.

Keeper of Knowledge
He is the person who has the duty and the responsibility of taking care of books.

Inspirational Chair
When we are tired, we sit on a chair, sip a cold drink, relax and philosophize.

Souls,Energy,Magnetic Blood
Where do we come from? We all wonder where we will go to when we die, will it be Heaven?

Hubbing Hobby

The Lost Art of the Ninjas and Shoguns

They were called the shadow warriors in Japan. The Ninjas were the secret assassins who dressed in black and moved like the shadows in the night. The Ninjas were a force to reckon with in medieval Japan. The art of the Ninja warrior still exists to this day.

The Shoguns were the warriors on the battlefield with their own strict training and a strong code of Honour and ethics. The Shoguns were also well known in medieval times for their loyalty to thier Masters. The legends of the Shoguns will live forever in the annals of history as the Noble Warriors.

To find out more about the Ninjas and the Shoguns with their colourful legends and myths visit the link given below:

The Lost Art of the Ninjas and Shoguns

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Blog Profit Camp-John Book Book Free

Get the latest book by John Chow using this link on how to Blog for Profit. This book has a lot of useful tips and techniques for anyone to make a profitable blog on the web.

                 Get My Blog Profit Camp Book

FREE Forex Robot

Get your Free Forex robot and start earning money trading foeign currency, even if you have never done this is your life.

             Get My Free Forex Robot

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Articles on Ezines get me Traffic

Warren Brown's Expert Author Email Alerts
Sign up to receive email alerts of Warren Brown’s latest articles from!
Email Address:

Tips on Creating an Information product

If you have a Hobby, you are passionate about, then these are the steps to creating an Information product.

1. List everything you like about your Hobby.

2. Find all the information you can find related to your hobby.

3. Compile your information.

4. List all the benefits others can get from this Hobby.

5. Publish your EBook based on all the valuable materials you have collected on your Hobby.

6. Build a Squidoo lens in a few minutes related to your EBook Niche.

7. Promote your ebook on all Social network sites.

8. Blog about your EBook.

9. Write and send out a Press Release about your EBook.

10. Create a You Tube video about your EBook.

11. Sell your EBook on Payloadz and Clickbank.

12. Generate an income in your Pal Pal account.

The Link to the Big Information Creation Discussion

The Bucket List

I always wanted to publish books on my Internet work, on cooking and on internet marketing. I have successfully completed this item on my bucket list, this year. I have completed ten books, which are now featured on Amazon.

The second item on my list is to complete a fiction novel. I am presently working on this project and hope to complete it this year.

The third item on my list is to bring about positive changes in the world, either with a global project or a concept which will help people to all make a difference. This is a lifetime project, I feel.

The Bucket List Keeps on Growing

Friday, June 04, 2010

Writers Net

I have now joined one of the largest writing communities on the web for Writers. You are welcome to visit my Profile on Writers Net. Thank you for taking the time to visit.

                   Warren on Writers Net

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

Get the FREE Forex Cash Robot and start earning money online. This is a secret no internet marketer would want you to have. Get the free forex robot, without having any experience in the field of currency trading and marketing. This Robot makes you money on Auto-pilot. Join Today.

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

Marching Souls

 Does the march ever end?